Thursday, February 2, 2012

ban gay marriage is discriminatory. The homosexual and heterosexual couples should be free to choose the same legal obligations


New York

gay marriage is symptomatic of a global trend. South Africa, Canada, Argentina, Portugal and beyond gay marriage becomes a fact of life and law.

marriage equality is now central to many lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) in the countryside around the world. He quickly became a litmus test in the battle for equality.

ironic. At a time when heterosexual couples are abandoning the mass wedding, couples of gays and lesbians are rushing to embrace it.

lines disaffection with marriage partners. Preliminary statistics for England and Wales show that the number of marriages in 2009 was the lowest since the first calculated in 1862.

Far from weakening or undermining marriage as homophobic say, although same-sex couples seems determined to support an institution that is, for many heterosexual, failing that, discredited and irrelevant.

As the pressure for gay marriage is an equality issue, which I support, but also represents the growing conservatism of the LGBT community and radical vision loss. It smells assimilation and conformity with the line of status quo.

As we celebrate gay pride in London this Saturday, with its calls for marriage equality, questioning attitudes skeptical of the early pioneers of the liberation of gays and lesbians are almost entirely absent.


has a long history of sexism and patriarchy, originally designed to ensure the control of male sexual women and inheritance of property through the male line from father to son. Even the language of marriage is a misogynist. Another meaning for the word husband is to "manage", which summarizes the relationship between men and women in many marriages, past and present. Traditionally, the bride's father gives his daughter to her husband-to-be, symbolizing the passing of the wife of one man to another. For these reasons, I'm not a big fan of marriage.

In fact, I proposed a new, a more egalitarian and flexible recognition of the relationship and the rights -. What I have called a pact of civil commitment (CPC)

Moreover, the ban on same-sex marriage is a homophobic discrimination. Discrimination is wrong and must be fought. Since marriage exists, must be open to all.

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