Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The scientists used the fossilized remains exquisitely preserved a Jurassic bush cricket to recreate his birdie

A love song that takes the wind through the ancient forests of the Late Jurassic was reconstructed by scientists in Britain.

researchers reconstructed the staccato mating call of the creature, long gone, a distant relative of the current Bush and cricket, from fossilized remains discovered in Mongolia.

insect body and wings were preserved with exquisite details such as bioacoustics specialists from the University of Bristol could measure parts used to produce mating calls and recreate sounds. Cricket

Archaboilus musicus

, lived 165m years ago when much of northwestern China was an open forest of conifers, ferns and conifers. "This is one of the oldest mating call ever reconstructed from a fossil," said lead researcher Fernando Montealegre Zapata The Guardian.

The large insect compared with many modern cricket, more than 12 cm and the sports wings 7cm long. Each wing is provided with rigid tooth tip and a file that produces the familiar song of the cricket mating call when rubbed together.

The short bursts of sounds produced by scratching needle on the wings of insects and file vibrates to amplify the sound. The call is well suited to life in the forest floor, where the notes are a long distance to the women away.

"The work tells us that the complex structures used in the production and viewing of these songs have evolved 165m years," Montealegre said Zapata.

studies more insects could give scientists clues about the mating calls of many modern irons have much higher frequencies in the ultrasonic range beyond human hearing. Today, all species that use similar musical calls are nocturnal animals.

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