Sunday, February 12, 2012

schools serving children of the poorest four times more likely to be insufficient, the annual report reveals inspectors

Nearly 800 schools visited by inspectors this year are "stuck" and not to improve, according to the annual report from Ofsted.

said 14% of schools visited by inspectors were satisfactory for both times. Its ability to improve was better than satisfactory.

Ofsted also said to be a "grave concern" that teaching in more than 40% of schools are no better than satisfactory. Teaching was considered significant in only 4% of schools, although 20% of schools were considered excellent in general.

In some cases, schools rely too heavily on worksheets and a narrow range of textbooks, the organization said. An inspection regime more difficult next year is likely to be more difficult for schools to achieve the award if his teaching is not classified as outstanding.

annual report highlights Ofsted also a permanent link between poor neighborhoods, inadequate schools, but believes that London is resisting this trend.

A school serving underprivileged children in the country is four times more likely to be considered inadequate by inspectors from one service to the children of richer households, Ofsted said.

However, we also found evidence of large schools in difficult areas to 85 schools to serve students from needy families were considered remarkable. Almost all these schools were in urban areas, and over a third were in London.

The chief inspector of schools, Miriam Rosen, said. "This is an ongoing concern that these same people and young children need most often better services are defrauded concern, the quality of education in our schools is still very variable.

"Quality education is absolutely essential to ensure a good education, and simply too much that our inspectors have seen this year was not good."

This year, schools that have been found previously in circulation were not inspected unless a risk assessment highlighted concerns Ofsted. In general, control of the government indicates that 20% of schools in England are "pending", 50% good, 28% and 2% are satisfactory enough.
aa student is good or excellent in 87% of schools inspected, Ofsted said.

Of the 75 schools inspected, 40 were considered to provide a good or excellent education for their students, and five were inadequate.
The proportion of excellent or good academies is similar to all secondary schools. Of the 16 academies of special courts, nine had levels above the average of students from poor families.

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