Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We chose our 50. This is your chance to tell us to add

Aa New Radicals

Britain - yes we miss

In December, The Observer, in collaboration with the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), asked his help in finding new radicals in Britain, and 50 projects and businesses across the UK, trying to provide new solutions to some of the biggest challenges in today's society.

For "new" means that projects and services that have taken root and flourished in both the past decade and, more recently, in collaboration with young and old, in health, social services, regeneration, the green economy and the arts, finance, law, local government and design.

nominations, more than 300, have flooded every corner of Britain showing the imagination of remarkable ingenuity and impact. The judges selected50 not because they were the "best", but as a reflection of their own interests and to illustrate the variety and range of participants.


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