Friday, December 9, 2011

fascinating dance performances and drag it was like music concerts, the best work I've seen this year in new ways of theater jokes

So December is already here. Christmas has already begun to draw us into their own hands in 2012 foil and all that awaits us there: the Olympics, the U.S. presidential race, a new artistic director of the CBC and the probable end of the world. And as is tradition, the year will be escorted to the door by an almost endless parade of raids and year-end lists of best-of-2011. Usually these lists follow the same strict limits, yet divided into distinct categories and assigned to appropriate experts. God bless the Internet, then, that the territory has the potential to be much more messy, because last year, one of the things that was most surprising to me is the wonder and excitement I found in the theater is probably that he recognized as half theater, anyway.

First, I saw a really disturbing and memorable of this year to play in the mist gently between theater and dance. I first saw Dan Canham 30 Cecil Street, Bristol Old Vic as part of its chain of Ferment brilliant and immediately knew I wanted to come to the edge of the forest this summer. A quiet, lyrical contemplation of the relationship between an abandoned theater and sustainable communities, which felt pretty good, not only because the band of forest are in danger of losing our home, but as a timely reminder of the importance of any construction can play for the people around you. Elsewhere, I have witnessed the intensity stifling Iona Kewney at Chisenhale Dance Space and could barely speak after - wild action, somewhere between fascinating dance, improvisation and ritual

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