Monday, December 26, 2011

What space shuttles, medical implants and precious stones have in common?

Zirconium is a chemical element that week. It's a hard transition metal silver gray that has the symbol Zr and atomic number 40. The main source of zirconium is the extraction of the mineral zircon, which is derived from the name of this element. The name comes from the Arabic word,

zorgun for "gold".

After forming a surface layer of oxidized zirconium is highly resistant to corrosion and is used to make solid alloys and ceramics. It is used as cladding in nuclear reactors, and does not corrode in extreme heat or absorb neutrons out of control to form their own radioactive isotopes. Its corrosion resistance at high temperatures also useful as a heat shield that protects the space shuttle when it is heated during re-entry into Earth's atmosphere.

one of the "coolest" of the characters is the zirconium alloy of zinc, ZrZn

same time acts as a superconductor


a magnet at temperatures below 238

zirconium silicate is a natural stone, zircon, which occurs in a number of colors, although most people as the best honey-colored zircons. (Incidentally, the zircons are the cornerstone of December.) Thanks to its high refractive index, cutting and polishing of diamonds outsparkle zircons.

But zirconium is familiar to most people because it is used to create artificial stone - cubic zirconia (photo, right image: Gregory Phillips, DC. ). CZ crystals are created from the merger of zirconium dioxide, ZrO , which contains ten percent of calcium oxide, which induces stable crystals grow with the right "diamond" shape. As zircon, colorless diamonds and watch CZ outsparkles seems, except the price, so they are an important alternative for those wishing to own a diamond. While CZ is almost as hard as diamond, which are more fragile and are almost twice as dense.
can be created by adding small amounts of metal oxides to the merger before the crystal growth, chromium produces green gems, cerium, yellow, orange or red gems, erbium, Pink gemstones, titanium, gold, brown and purple is neodymium. Since we have not yet learned about some of these things I just mentioned, I bet you're sitting on the edge of your seat in advance, right?
biologists probably already know, but zirconium has no known biological function, but has a medical use. Those of you with implants or medical prostheses that hide inside your body may be interested to know that you can make zirconium, as it is compatible with body fluids. Oh, and because it is strong.
Here's our favorite teacher tells us about zirconium Visit the YouTube channel
periodicvideos [video link]. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Video journalist Brady Haran is the man with the camera and the University of Nottingham is the place with the chemicals. You can follow him on twitter @ periodicvideos Brady and the University of Nottingham on twitter @ UniNottingham
You met these elements:

yttrium: , atomic number

Strontium , atomic number

rubidium , atomic number

Krypton: , the atomic number

bromine: , atomic number

Selenium: , atomic number

Arsenic: that , atomic number

Germanium: , atomic number

gallium: , atomic number

zinc: , the atomic number

Copper: the atomic number

Nickel: , atomic number

cobalt , atomic number

Iron: , atomic number

Manganese , atomic number


, atomic number



, atomic number

Find best price for : --Zirconium--


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