Sunday, December 18, 2011

The data show a warm climate was flipping through the trees and flowers and birds and insects that appear early in 2011

This spring was a record for the fauna, with the right time it takes to traverse the trees and flowers and birds and insects that appear very early, the data show.

The latest results from the Calendar of Nature, by the Woodland Trust, to which members of the public record the timing of natural events, suggest that the spring was the first of this century.

Many events much earlier than normal, with holly blue butterflies emerging first 26 days, compared with 2001 data, when the climate was closer to the average long term, and flipping through the ash and beech and a half two weeks ago.

orange tip butterfly emerged on the first date that he made on the books dating back a century, while chestnut, purple, lilac and rose hips all the flowers were observed earlier than ever .

migrant doves, swallows and willow warblers all went back to the earliest date since 2000.

"The warm weather of spring has brought together."

According to the Woodland Trust, the UK had an average temperature of 9.1c during March, April and May, about 1.8c above the 1971-2000 average, with a record warm and sunny April .

Professor Tim Sparks, founder of the Agenda of Nature, said: "We had a very cold winter, but this was followed by a hot and dry spring, which included the warmest ever recorded in April

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