Sunday, November 6, 2011

Libyan leader had not shown interest in the ancient culture of Garamantes, but now, archaeologists hope to discover a neglected part of history

Muammar Gaddafi

The deceased liked to emphasize the links between the Republic and in sub-Saharan Africa. He was less interested, however, in celebration of Black African civilization flourished for over 1500 years in what are now the borders of Libya, which has been recognized that the curriculum was Gaddafi.

Now, however, researchers in the Garamantes - "lost" civilization of the Sahara, which flourished long before the Islamic era - it is expected that the new government of Libya can restore the culture of warrior, mentioned by Herodotus in his


, to its rightful place in the history of Libya.

Because while the impressive Roman ruins of Sabratha and Leptis Magna - two World Heritage sites -. They are justly famous, others cultural heritage of Libya, who lived with the Roman colonists, was forgotten

was driven by new research - including the use of satellite imagery -. This suggests that the Garamantes built wider and wider culture than previously thought


confirmed the opinion of Herodotus, not always the most reliable chroniclers of the world, often providing a good story when hard facts are hard to find - which were a nation Garma "great ".

Living in an area around the busiest crossroads of the ancient trans-Saharan, the Garamantes were established along three parallel axes of the oasis is now known as Wadi al-Ajala The Wadi ash Shati and Murzuq Burjuj Zuwila - depression with its capital in Jarmah.

underground tunnel builders were as stubborn Gaddafi. But while the bunkers dug Gaddafi to build huge complexes, extracted from fossil Garamantes water to irrigate crops.

The Garamantes relied heavily on the work of sub-Saharan Africa as slaves, to support its civilization. In fact, it is believed that the slaves are traded as a commodity in exchange for imported luxury goods in return.

describe the recent example of "extraordinary" in a paper co-author of the review



, Professor David Mattingly of the University of Leicester , argues that the results show that substantial trade across the Sahara is the long pre-Islamic period.

Despite the growing awareness of the importance of long-lost civilization of Libya, Gaddafi was not very interested in these developments.

"We know that the material produced for the Libyans found himself in an office Gaddafi," said Mattingly, who spent much of the past decade, research on the archeology of Garamantes.

"But nothing happened. He was not interested and there was no mention of Garamantes curriculum in Libya."

The very existence of the culture of the desert, however, is based on the use of the extraction of underground water tunnels - known foggara in Berber, one of the villages which the Garamantes were descendants - Its construction was a labor, requiring the acquisition of a large number of slaves.

civilization is unique. Its foundation is considered the first time in a desert area riverless important was colonized by a complex, urban, who planned their towns and imported luxury goods.

In fact, the sophistication of the design of the building Garamantes - not the least of their fortifications -. It may have been copied by the Romans, some strong in North Africa are very similar in appearance

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