Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ninety years later, coal seams in West Virginia is a battleground once again: for workers, the struggle continues

My first time in Westminster Abbey in London, which was taken inside a mining friend was in South Wales for a short vacation in London. Impressed, we gaped at Poets' Corner, Throne of the Coronation, the tombs and effigies of bishops, admirals, generals and prime ministers - England in all its majesty and splendor. Looking at the Gothic columns, cruises and amazing vaulted ceiling fan, my friend said, "Impressive, is not it? Of course, culture is not ours."

Our culture - with class consciousness, Bolshie, renegade - has rarely been in the plaques and statues, rarely in textbooks, but mostly transmitted orally in the memories passed from generation to generation, songs and stories. "The history of labor" has become a province of specialists and self passionately committed to the working class, keepers of the flame of a human drama at least as fascinating and stirring the blood, such as real dead souls in the abbey. It belongs to all who claim.

I kind of secular religion, because my family is marriage. These include cousin Charlie (yards), the cousin of Davie (Electrical Workers), the cousin Bernie (printers), mother (women apparel), and his father (butchers and hairdressers ), and cousin Fred (San Quentin prisoners). The story of creation can be the battle of Trafalgar and Gallipoli, we Haymarket Square, Ludlow, Centralia, and Cripple Creek: the battle sites, most often sacrifice defeats than victories

Until recently, much of this story by chance disappeared Orwell "memory hole", forgotten, ignored or censored. But with the spectacular Wall Street occupy the movements and coups in states fighting such as Wisconsin and Ohio, especially the young seem to be the recovery and revitalization of a living history. Moves memory.

The contest for memory is a class struggle by other means.

Half of our history - half that unions created the modern middle class - which is written in the language of pedestrians contracts, negotiations, wage and hour laws ... nuts and bolts of bids. After all, unions exist to reach an agreement.

When the smoke cleared on Blair Mountain, along a front of eight miles of trenches reminiscent of Flanders, a hundred on both sides were killed and several injured. Firepower and under a presidential decree, the miners, led by the fabulous name of Bill Blizzard took the shotgun squirrel and went home - to face charges of treason and murder, prepared by the owners of Coal and the judges bought it. Sympathetic juries released most of them. (For more information:. The son of Bill Blizzard, the late William C., has a book, when miners in March)

The beautiful, painful, is that today, the battle continues Blair Mountain. With increases in protest, films and brochures, the campaign to save the mountain - again - set the local miners, their families and friends, including archaeologists and historians, against the owners Virginia West, such as coal Massey Energy notorious are still under investigation by the FBI for criminal negligence in the death of 29 miners in the Upper Big Branch catastrophe of 2010.

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