Sunday, November 27, 2011

governments and companies involved in land claim lease that is rarely used and that the projects will bring food security, create jobs and increase tax revenues - none of which are true " / aa>

For a few thousand dollars a year, an agribusiness in India, Karuturi, the income of 2,500 square kilometers of land in the province of Ethiopia Gambela. Government ministers in Addis Ababa say it is marginal land, unused, and the situation in the western border of Sudan suggests that it is.

In fact, the black soil is extremely fertile, vast land is accessible by road in good condition, and especially the land borders of the powerful Baro River, a tributary of West Nile. It is an excellent field of at least one of the regions of Africa exploited. Karuturi owners who are considering growing palm oil, cotton, vegetables and corn there, just watching a good map to understand its true value.

Oxfam But researchers say, is one of four great myths built by the government and business that most of the 100 hectares of land allocated in recent years by governments of the Africa and Asia outside the food industry, pension funds and speculators are "marginal" or little used.

"Despite claims to the contrary, investors are targeting the best land," say the researchers. "They are looking for land with access to water resources, fertile soils, infrastructure and proximity to markets for facilitate the profitability and viability of their businesses. large-scale projects tend to be located where most people lives. A more detailed analysis shows that these are also areas where poverty rates are relatively low and where the land was already in use for food production rather than -. empty, vacant land, marginal in poor areas "

The second myth is that projects that contribute to food security and energy security. Research in Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Senegal and Tanzania, found that most offers fought for export products, including biofuels and cut flowers. In Mozambique, where about 35% of households in chronically food insecure, only 32 000 hectares of the 433,000 approved for investment in agriculture between 2007 and 2009 were for food crops.
surveys and analysis of agro-investment in West Africa show that few jobs were created for local people while pastors and women - who depend on land, trees water and common areas for economic activities - are suffering because of reduced access.

The fourth myth is that the projects bring tax revenue. What is really happening, says Oxfam, is that governments "have lost benefits by offering tax incentives in the race for investment financing. In 2008, the Pakistani government offered tax exemptions, import duties Free equipment and owns 100% of the land, especially in agricultural areas, livestock and dairy products, in order to attract foreign investors.

income tax "is usually paid only once the investment project is profitable. Even if the host government has not lost revenue through tax incentives, often lack the capacity or political will to regulate and control investment, enforce the terms of the contract, or raise taxes. "

Find best price for : --Gambela--


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