Thursday, November 17, 2011

group of renowned scientists

need to invest in sustainable agriculture to solve the crisis of hunger and reduce global warming


must invest more in distribution systems, food and agriculture around the world in the coming years, hunger should be avoided, according to a group of eminent scientists.

If the investment is directed to sustainable forms of agriculture, and agriculture can also become a weapon in the fight against dangerous climate change, they said, farming methods, more friendly Environmental soil can result in absorption of carbon dioxide instead of releasing it.

agriculture has been neglected in international negotiations on climate change, but if governments continue to ignore the problem, then it is likely that millions of people suffer from hunger, according to a new report Wednesday morning before the next round of negotiations in South Africa later this month.

"If intensify agriculture to produce more food, while a drop in production [in emissions of greenhouse gases], then offering advantages in terms of changes climate and - to reduce emissions and increase food security in vulnerable areas, "said Sir John Beddington, Chief Scientific UK and one of the authors of the report, food security in a changing Climate, published by the Committee on Agriculture and Climate Change, convened by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.

Sir John added:

"We need a comprehensive approach to production and socially equitable funding initiatives and policies that provide nutrition, income and profits the climate for all. "

Another key factor in improving food security is to reduce waste and improve food distribution systems. Nearly half of the food produced is lost before reaching the markets of some developing countries, due to lack of infrastructure such as cooling systems and reliable transportation systems.

waste is a problem not confined to developing countries, however - cheap food in developed countries has led to a culture of waste, which means that thousands of tons of perfectly good products are thrown each year. UK Waste Resources Action Programme said this week has seen a sharp decline in domestic food waste by 13% last year. However, waste is still a serious problem - in the UK alone, at least £ 12 billion in food thrown away each year. The activists are preparing for an event in London on Friday to "feed the 5000," with vegetables distorted rejected by retailers to illustrate the enormous waste of edible food that takes place in the UK every day.

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