Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Abdul Hakim said Belhaj

MI6 helped the CIA arrest and return to Libya for torture

A Libyan rebel leader was handed over to Tripoli, with the help of MI6, said Monday that he had told British intelligence agents have been tortured, but did nothing to help.

In a statement to increase the pressure for more disclosure on the role of the United Kingdom in the torture and renditions from the 11 / 9, Abdul Hakim Belhaj said a team of 'British investigators to use hand signals to indicate he understood what he said.

"I could not believe they could allow this to continue," he said. "What happened deserves a thorough investigation."

Belhaj was arrested by the CIA in Thailand in 2004 after a start of the MI6, was tortured and then transferred to Tripoli, where he says he suffered years of violence in a prison of Muammar Gaddafi .

learned Monday that MI6 had been able to tell the CIA about his fate after his partner advised the British diplomats in Malaysia who wanted to seek asylum in the UK. Belhaj was allowed to board a flight to London when the hijacked plane called Bangkok.

There are indications that the discovery of a secret cache of MI6 and CIA documents in a government office building was abandoned in Tripoli causing panic in parts of Whitehall.

Details of the documents

the role of the United Kingdom, not only in providing Belhaj, but a second man, known as Abu Munthir. This seems to have been planned by British intelligence agents and Libyan no CIA involvement.

David Cameron said the disclosures would be considered by Gibson Research, created last year to examine the role of the United Kingdom in the torture and renditions.

is not known whether MI5 or MI6 had found nothing in the investigation before the documents came to light. First staff survey indicated that they knew nothing about operations in Libya, and were seeking information from the government "as soon as possible." He later said he had "received documents relating to these issues," but declined to be specific.

also Conservative MP Richard Ottaway, a former member of the intelligence and security committee, a body of Westminster is to oversee MI5 and MI6, said the committee knew nothing about the operations United Nations United Kingdom and Libya before giving the agency a clean bill of health in a 2007 report on deliveries, said later that he could not say anything about it

The BBC reported last night that Abdelati Obeidi, a former foreign minister under Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, saying that MI6 had worked in Tripoli before the start of the February Revolution. He added that relations between the Libyan intelligence services and the British were not as close as when his predecessor, Moussa Koussa was in charge.

Belhaj Monday revealed more details on the preparations for his interpretation of the March 6, 2004, which says it occurred in the middle of his attempts to reach the UK, whose Government had given account.

He said he had tried first to get to London from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in late February of this year. However, he was denied permission to board in Beijing, despite the creation of a French passport, which does not require a prior approval issued by the United Kingdom.

returned to Kuala Lumpur, where he was detained by immigration officers in Malaysia. It is understood that the partner Belhaj then visited the British Embassy in Kuala Lumpur did not inform officials of his intention to seek political asylum in the UK.

Soon after he was released and allowed to buy a ticket to London via Bangkok. Until then, it had disposed of his French passport, issued to a Kaderi Jamal, and traveling with a Moroccan passport, issued in the name of Abdul al-Nabi. Moroccan passport holders need a visa issued in advance to enter the UK but said Belhaj not apply for a visa and was allowed to board without -. A very unusual practice

The revelation raises new questions about the extent of government's role in the extraordinary rendition of Belhaj. Documents were found last Friday revealed a MI6 officer, Mark Allen, wrote to Koussa, the then intelligence chief, congratulating him on Libya Belhaj receiving and recognizing that "British intelligence". "I'm not the board until I said he could not get in the UK," said Belhaj. "They did and I'm on the plane."

Belhaj was captured by CIA agents, in collaboration with the Thai authorities in Bangkok airport. He says he was tortured in a field from the airport and sent to Libya, where Qaddafi has long regarded him as a major threat to his tyrannical rule of four decades.

"The British were the second team to go," he said. "He came one month after being returned to Libya and were very well informed about LIFG [Libyan Islamic Fighting Group] members in the UK. They knew everything, including their code names. They wanted to know more about the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and also on the wider environment by the way, Al Qaeda, that sort of thing. There was a woman who was carrying the team, a great man and a third person who was translating. only came once. "

Belhaj said intelligence officials in other European countries, including France, Germany and Italy also went to Tripoli to discuss with him in the notorious prison of Abu Salim, in the south of Tripoli.

Before each visit by Libyan officials said - and sometimes Koussa -. "Tell the British people and others who questioned al-Qaeda are"

"The Libyans told me that if I told them that I would be treated better."

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