Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mystery This rare bird is very rare in North America, where he was photographed this guy


peak kite Chondrohierax
, Temminck, 1822 (protonym



) , also known as the Grenada hook or neck edge kite kite, photographed at Smith Point Hawk Watch, Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, Texas (USA).

Image :. Joseph Kennedy, 29 October 2011 (with permission) [velociraptorize] Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope with the eyepiece of the camera to TSN-PZ 1 / 1250 ISO400 f/8.0 at 1000.0mm I encourage you to purchase images photographers who share freely their wonderful work with us.


This bird of Central and South America qualifies as a mystery only North American species, although this is where he was photographed. Can you identify the species and its taxonomic family? Well I took the time to identify this species (I've never seen before), I am sure it will be easily identified for all of you, so I would like to know what features make this bird so special taxonomy in your family?


is a hook-billed kite


, a half the size of the comet of prey found in the riparian forests along the coastal regions of Central America and tropical South America. This species is placed in the Accipitridae (diurnal birds of prey) and the actions of the kind Chondrohierax with a single species, critically endangered (and probably extinct!) In Cuba kite

C. wilsonii

. Its congener is endemic to Cuba. Despite several studies of DNA suggest that the Cuban Kite is a full species, some authorities consider it a subspecies of the hook-billed kite.

Hook-billed Kite

is unusual in that it shows a wide variation in plumage color: adults range from gray to black.

This species is remarkable because it feeds on snails tree. It is also unusual because it is the size of the change in the law, probably more than any other species individual within Accipitridae. This dramatic change in the size of the beak, which is not related to the color of the plumage, is likely to reduce competition for prey among conspecifics [Smith and Hall, 1982 (paywall)].

[here] is just right on the Rio Grande, where he is a force feeding tree snails. Snails die during droughts and algae on the trunks of trees die so there is no food. Recent droughts have been common and hawks eat snails outside areas and move on.

No snails that several hundred miles from Houston and watch a hawk.

never been more than 3-4 pairs in the state at any time (usually only 1 or 2 pairs) and most people who go to the Rio Grande Valley never see them except if they are under the flight path between the areas of shelter and snails.
have disappeared from this small part of Texas in a few years and are very difficult to do, anyway, because they sleep late, fly to an area of ??the snails and snails [down] trunk of a tree and eat very low. [Only when it is completed] to return to the show.

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