Thursday, November 17, 2011

Evidence is growing that access to wildlife rich environment is essential to the health and well-being of children

No government has recognized that access to nature as a right, but it can and will provide benefits to society. The Scottish Government is consulting on a child rights bill and youth, to establish in law the responsibility of Scottish Ministers to "consideration" to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Convention . The - signed by all members of the United Nations except Somalia and the United States - Describe the basic rights of children such as the right to identity, the right to life and development, and right to be heard

All rights recognized by the Convention are important, and some much more fundamental than others, a number of countries are struggling to ensure that even some of the most basic rights are recognized and actively block some. The terrible hardships faced by people in the world should not obscure the social and health inequalities that remain in our own country.

When people talk about human rights in the context of nature conservation, often called upon to protect the rights of people in the industrialized world to use the obvious things, the nature gives us, as drugs firewood, food and traditional. However, easy access to nature, even in wealthy countries like the UK can and should make people's lives better. Think about this: people tend to buy a second time can afford a nice place to live greener, the first is usually a car

children who spend time outdoors playing, they suffer less than the sight later in life than those who do not. Children have easy access to the natural environment have a higher self-esteem, confidence, independence, autonomy and initiative, which do not.

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