Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We should provide more dignity in elderly care and address alcohol abuse in order to reduce unnecessary admissions

Last summer, during the recess of Parliament, where I am a member of Parliament, returned to work as a doctor, spent six weeks in the emergency department of a general hospital in a coastal town. I think A & E is the showcase of our NHS, showing the skills, commitment and dedication of health workers, and compensate for the challenges of patient care.

I enjoyed returning forefront of medicine

, but a witness of EI and a revolving door of inadequate income and painful, especially the frail elderly . Most elderly patients have been distressed because of the hospital environment, but your income would have been avoided if older people were better supported in the community. For this reason, I think the restructuring of health care and social benefits to ensure dignity in care for the elderly is the greatest challenge of our human and financial NHS.

Thanks to improvements in diet and access to the health of people living longer, but with several medical conditions such as heart disease, dementia and diabetes. This will be discussed, the NHS must stop being a service crisis management and to become community-oriented, focusing on prevention rather than cure. Surgeons are good at repairing hip fractures, but a hip fracture is bad for the patient, and very expensive for the NHS. Instead of fixing the patient after the break, they must break that prevents them from providing more care and home support and community. The best and least expensive care can be delivered, but only for one. More effective and coordinated at the local level between the NHS and social services

The cost to the NHS of our results of alcohol-related fights, injuries and other assistance A & E as well as alcoholic liver disease (not related to alcohol cancers) are estimated at £ 2 billion last year, and rising. It's time to tackle the problem of alcohol abuse, and to consider introducing a price of alcohol at least the unit to help save millions of pounds the NHS.

If we are to improve patient care, while at the same time, provide more efficient services - the challenge for the future of our health service presented by Sir David Nicholson, executive director of the NHS England - a strategy force in alcohol, and providing greater dignity in care for the elderly should be our priorities.

. Dr Daniel Poulter is Conservative MP for Suffolk Central and Ipswich North and member of the Special Committee on Health


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