Sunday, August 12, 2012

pirates took 5% of the vote in 2013, would be a game-changer for the party system. But what do they mean?

The German protest vote found a check for some time been known as

Politikverdrossenheit : the feeling of being tired of politics that politicians are mostly corrupt, policies and programs are made for minorities to serve the interests of minorities.

The success of the Pirates can be explained by the fact that surfed this vague notion of illness, with a gradual self-assessment of being anti-establishment and pledged to promote " real change "in politics. It complies with "99%" movement in the U.S., or Spain


, with a central message: the policy because it is not good for we. We want to participate in another way, we know better, do not want to be excluded from debates more important. With this, hackers have managed to establish, within the space of less than a year, as the greatest popular movement against traditional politics. In several regional elections in Germany were between 7% and 10% (and you can get an estimate of 8% in the next elections in North Rhine-Westphalia) vote. All this in a moment, when one partner of the ruling coalition, the liberal FDP, had to settle for dull by 1.2%.

So far, so that the promise of the Pirates is a break with traditional structures of politics - not necessarily (yet) offer compelling ideas for policy change. However, with this promise, hackers have managed to surpass all other protest votes self-defined, the parties, such as

Die Linke

or the Greens, who, between meantime, managed to get quite old and bourgeois.

Pirates today
most important currency is the "liquid democracy ': the idea that the Internet could become the largest platform for direct, real-time political debate, with no barriers to accessible. A central claim of Pirates is broadcast live parliamentary sessions, for example in the Berlin Senate, where pirates to the surprise of all, about 10% of the seats last year. The question, however, is that it is willing and able to swim in the new bathroom of transparency and adequate time to engage in politics continues to steam.

live broadcast

is important, but remember that most of the debates of the Bundestag are available in real time on television for decades, passed by a special unit of government broadcasting (although still I have not met anyone who has seen it a debate). Empirical evidence suggests that on-call time for politics is 15 minutes a day.
Pirates seems conservative in the sense that there is almost no women in the party hierarchy. As television images of the first meeting of the Pirate Party Congress, he feels a bit like watching a chess tournament, with a distinctive dress code of negligence.

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