Saturday, October 8, 2011

Al Gore's Climate Project

, the reality is his message for the 24 time zones 24 hours

Death by PowerPoint. I suffered this torture several times in recent years. All probable.

So I was a little nervous this morning in the register of the reality of climate change - 24 hours of custody of Al Gore's global warming - what could be discovered. And I must say, my heart sank immediately.

A presenter is no doubt sincere in the Solomon Islands, after sliding slideshow of extreme weather events in the world that took place during the past year and which unites all, apparently, increased anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. As anyone who follows the debate on climate known to be a controversial exchange rate by which to hang your hat. Such a discourse traditionally requires a large number of warnings and care to explain. Made with an abandon and raw emotion - as the presenter seemed to -. And they are quickly labeled in some quarters as a climate of "alarmist"

But that was long ago now. Climate change policy is far more polarized today as it meets at the time - even if science is apparently tightening - and, for better or for worse, Al Gore is a polarizing figure enormous, especially in his homeland home. Everything you do or say in this area - no matter how convincing or sensible - to attract the scorn and derision of those who simply can not see beyond the human. And it's a big problem for those who still want to see the world urgently addressed, as Gore says, the reality of climate change.


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