Sunday, October 23, 2011

that could destroy the CIA interrogation videos of its 9.11 conspirator without penalty is a scandalous abuse of democracy

Kean, Lee Hamilton and Tom - the co-chairs of the 9 / 11 - are the epitome of old wise men of Washington. These are the types chosen to lead the panel each time the U.S. government needs a respectable face, trans-partisan and serious to show the general public following a massive political failure. Old wise men of Washington are responsible for this mission, because, by definition, are members of the faithful and devoted to criticize politicians and political institutions and leaders in the most respectful and sober.

is why I was so remarkable that Hamilton and Kean, January 2, 2008, wrote an editorial in The New York Times repeatedly accused the CIA and the Bush White House informed cause of "obstruction" the inquiry into the attack of 9 / 11. Like many offenders can attest, the word "obstruction" a powerful punch as a legal term which means the art of the crime of "obstructing justice", yet here were these two ways, the protection facility, officials accused CIA officials and the Bush crime in most public and unambiguous as possible.

What caused the explosion unusual duo accuser was the revelation that the CIA deliberately destroyed numerous videos of the interrogation sessions were conducted with Al Qaeda (destroyed 92 videos that show hundreds of hours of interrogation). The 9 / 11 Commission had repeatedly asked the force of law behind it, that all such materials are provided interrogations. Many courts presiding actions related to allegations of torture against the CIA had also ordered the video as they arise.

What causes this result very surprising, the two-tier system of justice that exists in the United States: one in which ordinary Americans are subjected to a harsh and unforgiving brutal sentence while the political and financial elites are virtually immune invested a large scale, even the most heinous crimes. Do warped "justice" that caused the Americans to witness the construction of the largest state prison in the world for ordinary people at the same time the elite of the most destructive crimes - a regime torture around the world, Wall Street widespread looting, domestic wiretapping, a war of aggression in Iraq that killed at least tens of thousands of innocent people - disappeared completely unpunished

Having spent the last 18 months to write my next book on this two-tiered system of justice, I expected really, as they have there, there would be no prosecution in the case of the video of the CIA, providing a cons-example to the argument of the book that the elites are now free from the rule of law. "Even our political class," he writes, "could not allow this flagrant violation of the law to go unpunished." Unfortunately, as of Wednesday court ruling (pdf) gave wrong: there is no crime too heinous to enjoy the elite of the shield of immunity. So can the CIA deliberately destroyed the evidence he was ordered to produce both a commission created by Congress and the courts deal of research -. And they do it with impunity

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