Friday, June 1, 2012

premium package includes $ 100 POWERLOADER statuette, "xeno hive" box, four multiplayer characters of the film in 1986, weapons and customization options.

$100 buys all these Aliens: Colonial Marines goodies.

When foreign Gearbox Software: Colonial Marines arrive in 2013, players will be able to collect a $ 100 collector's edition of Spacebound shooter, the company announced today. The highlight of the premium package, due out on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, is the figure of POWERLOADER (photo) will enter a "xeno hive" box.

$ 100 buys all these foreigners. Treats Colonial Marines

addition, foreigners: Colonial Marines Collector's Edition to store in four derived characters of the movie 1986

aa foreign

. These characters are playable in multiplayer game facilities component suite and include Hudson, body Hicks, private Drake and Sergeant Apone.

addition, the Premium Pack contains flamethrower Ripley, exclusive multiplayer weapons (electronic switches sounds of bullets and plasma phase), the Conference of Mayors Academy range excitation level of the game without specify the character customization options, and a folder containing various documents USCM.

also announced Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector's Edition, gearbox revealed that those who pre-order the game will mark the above>


Multi-player characters, Ripley's flamethrower and character customization options.

Find best price for : --Powerloader----Windows----GameSpot----Marines----Colonial----Gearbox--


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