Monday, April 8, 2013

a hostile and provocative child lying or rogue could be more wicked than usual. There are steps you can take to help your child - and

Approximately 5% of British children Seven Fifty-five years have behavioral disorders and antisocial behavior associated, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Your child could possibly it? The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) says that 30% of GP consultations for children facing behavioral problems.

Nice last week published guidelines on how to recognize and treat. He warns that children who do not receive aid are at increased risk of poor school performance, social isolation and crime.

The usual suspects are in disruptive behavior: genetics, which could affect the brain is wired, and environmental factors, mainly the family. Peter Fonagy, professor of psychoanalysis at University College London, says that studies show that parenting styles can affect how children behave as well as socially disadvantaged.

So you and your child need help?

The solution

Fonagy said nobody should blame the parents, but can enter the patterns of interaction that make things worse. Instead of being authoritarian, behavioral training suggests using rewards instead of punishment. Younger children can be distracted and difficult behavior ignored. "You probably resort to punishment if they opposed his son, but in reality, making their ability to control their behavior weaker. If you spend time in pleasurable activities with your child, they will want please. "

For people who say that disobedience should not be medicalized, warns that the negligent conduct disorder is ignored. Belle says that early interventions, all of which have, in part, rely on family formation to reduce the antisocial behavior of children, are more likely to be effective.



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