Friday, April 26, 2013

Brazil and Peru, governments say the company should not receive an address that refers to a wide geographic area

When you see the word "Amazon", what is the first thing that comes to mind - the largest forest in the world's longest river and the largest retailer on the Internet - and consider you major

These issues have gained prominence in arcane, but it is very important debate on how to redraw the boundaries of the Internet. Brazil and Peru have filed objections to an offer made by the U.S. e-commerce giant for a major new piece of cyberspace:

"amazon" ..

The Seattle-based company has asked its brand name as a top level domain (currently. Com), but the South American governments argued that this would prevent the use of this address Internet for the protection of the environment, promotion of indigenous rights and other public interest uses.

with dozens of other disputed claims with similar names. "Patagonia" and. "Shangrila", the question is at the heart of the debate about the purpose and governance of the Internet.

So far, the differences between types of commercial identity, government and others are easily distinguished in all Internet addresses using. Com,. Gov and 20 other categories.

But these categories - or generic top-level domains (gTLDs) such as are known technically -. They are about to experience the strongest growth since the beginning of the World Wide Web for over 30 years

Brazil said that his views were approved last month by the other members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela).

Dozens of other events were also recorded over areas of high level proposals bearing the marks of geography, culture or challenged.

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