Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gore reminded of the Iraq war, credit crunch, civil rights and emancipation to argue that the U.S. electoral system is broken and only a mass movement can provide the reason on global warming

Let 's start at the end, with Al Gore' s last paragraph in its long and fascinating work for Rolling Stone magazine:

The climate crisis, in reality, a struggle for the soul of America. It's about whether we are still capable of - to promote the perception of important and complex realities and clear enough to protect the sustainable wellbeing of many - given the illness of our democracy and the current dominance of wealth beyond reason. What is in limbo the future of civilization as we know it.

The doom-laden final line annoy as much as they want, true or not. But, the letter from the other side of the Atlantic (though not beyond the reach of the effects of U.S. carbon emissions, or someone else 's), it is the criticism of the current U.S. electoral system, characterized by: "crass, horribly degrading and destructive to the fundamental values ??of American democracy".

Gore said that by now unlimited and secret campaign financing, "polluters and Idealogues", the U.S. policy to the extent that can no longer reason and the common good win, captured in the debates. He cites good examples: how, on the edge of the second Gulf War, 75% of Americans thought Saddam Hussein after the 9 / 11 atrocities, such as the deregulation of Wall Street led the world 's economy to the brink of collapse.

Without that mass movement applying pressure, it seems unlikely politicians will ever summon the courage to act until the worst impacts of global warming are upon us.