, countries that are leading technological advances, and what is the future of the CAC?
What is carbon capture and storage?
The technology is designed to prevent the escape of carbon dioxide from the combustion of coal and gas in the atmosphere and climate change drive. To do this, either remove CO2 from smokestacks of conventional power plants, or by burning fuel in a particular way to produce pure CO2 leakage. The greenhouse gas emissions and then buried in the ground, usually in depleted oil and gas.
do we need?
Most experts say yes. CCS can provide 20% carbon cut needed by 2050, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). This requires 3000 CCS plants. The IEA predicts that 70% of energy consumption by 2050 will come from fossil fuels, emphasizing the importance of CCS. Without it, renewable energy, energy efficiency and nuclear energy have far exceeded their goals and challenging.
Howcaptured CO2?
There are three approaches that are tested for power.
post-combustion CCS: This is the most common technology selected for the power plants. CO2 is absorbed from the exhaust gas of a feed device by dissolving it in a liquid which is then heated to release the gas for storage. Solvents include ammonia and amines cold but researchers are looking for more efficient ones. Post-combustion has the advantage that it can be adapted to certain existing plants, which generate a lot of CO2 in the world in the coming decades. However, the CO2 concentration is only 15% coal and only 4% of service stations, which means that exhaust purification currently uses about 25% of the energy of the plant, which is expensive. It would also eliminate the carbon ancient plants, since only work on the efficiency of 35%. The leader in large-scale post-combustion CCS facility is the Boundary Dam project $ 1.5 billion, led by Sask Power in Canada and will enter service in 2014.
Aa pre-combustion CCS- oxyfuel CCS: These fossil fuels are burned in pure oxygen, because the exhaust stream of water and CO2, which are easily separated again just to cut energy. An additional advantage is that, due to the presence of air is nitrogen missing, no pollutants NOx are formed, which reduces treatment costs. But this technology can not be used in new plants and air separation unit must be constructed to provide oxygen. This approach is used for a proposed new coal-fired Drax in the UK, currently the largest polluter in the country.
- What is CO2?
Which countries are leaders in CCS technology?
United States have larger projects because of the huge market for EOR and former President George W. Bush "wanted to do something for coal" in the 2000s. Bill of Barack Obama, 2009 amounted to $ 3 billion of government money being put into the CCS United States. Australia and Canada, the two main producers of fossil fuels, also have large factories. Europe does not operate large factories or in construction, but more than 20 in the planning, UK leads with six. Norway's largest CCS test facility in the world to Mongstad. leads China in Asia, but the continent still lags behind the rest of the world.
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