billion tons of water were pumped from deep underground repositories in all regions of the world, according to a report
insatiable thirst of humanityfor freshwater is rising sea levels faster than the glaciers melt, according to a new study. The enormous impact of the growing world population need water in the sea level results in a comprehensive assessment of all the ways people use water.
billion tons of water were pumped from deep underground repositories in all parts of the world and channeled into the fields and tubes to keep food communities and water. The water then flows into the oceans, but much faster than the old aquifers are recharged by rain. Global tide can be increased even faster, but for the fact that artificial reservoirs were far, which has slowed the flow of storing large amounts of water on earth.
"The water pumped from deep wells is geologically old - no replacement and a transfer form in the ocean," said the sea level expert Professor Robert Nicholls, University of Southampton. "In the long term, although more concerned with the impact of climate change, but this work shows that although climate stabilization could still get the sea level due to our use of water. "He said that the sea level rise of 10 meters or more if everyone groundwater is pumped, but said removing every drop was unlikely because some aquifers hold water salty. Sea level is expected to rise from 30 to 100 cm by 2100, putting at risk many coasts, increasing the number of storm surges swamp cities.
The new research was conducted by Yadu Pokhrel, University of Tokyo, and published in the journal Nature Geoscience. "Our study is based on a model of state-of-the-art, we have extensively validated in our previous work," he said. "This suggests that groundwater is a major contributor to the rising level of observed sea. "Results of the team adapts perfectly to fill a void that scientists had identified between the sea level due observed by tide gauges and the contribution calculated from the melting ice.
- "water storage tank has stabilized in recent years," they wrote. "However, the contribution of groundwater depletion has increased and may continue to do so in the future, increasing concerns about the potential sea level rising in the 21st century." Nicholls, who was not part of the research team, said there is a wide range of projections of sea level in the future. "But this work has a concern about the uncertainty in the upper end," he said.
The extent of groundwater use is as vast as it is untenable over the last half century, 18 billion tons of water was removed from the aquifer without replacement . In some parts of the world water reserves have been exhausted. Saudi Arabia, for example, was self-sufficient in wheat, which grows in the desert with water from deep aquifers, fossil. Now, many aquifers have dried up and most of the wheat is imported, all growth is expected to be completed in 2016. In northern India, the level of the water table is down 4 cm per year.
team also studied the effect of rising temperatures on other ways in which water is stored in the earth. They found that the drying of the soil and loss of snow adds nearly a tenth of a millimeter per year sea level rise. Professor Jonathan Bamber of the University of Bristol, said washing large volumes of groundwater at sea was an important factor, but it seems to have accelerated over the past 50 years, despite the worldwide population more than twice the time. In contrast, melting icecaps and glaciers as a global temperature rise has accelerated over the past 20 years, said: "It is quite clear to me that this will be the dominant factor in the future."
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