Friday, October 26, 2012

fans will love the organic food contains fewer pollutants, but the health benefits have not been demonstrated

There seems to be little evidence that organic foods are more nutritious than conventional food, according to the largest study to solve the problem so far. However, the findings of researchers at Stanford University in California, suggests that eating organic foods can reduce the likelihood of the use of pesticides and antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Lead author Crystal Smith-Spangler and a team of researchers analyzed 240 published studies on the levels of nutrients and contaminants in organic and conventional foods, as well as studies of humans who uses two types of food.

The researchers examined 17 studies (six of which were clinical trials) in populations consuming a diet organic and conventional, and 223 studies comparing some of the nutrient pollution or bacterial, fungal or various pesticides products (fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat, milk, poultry and eggs) grown organically and conventionally. The duration of studies in humans varies from two days to two years.

Smith-Spangler wrote in the Annals of Internal Medicine. "Despite the widespread misperception that organic foods are more nutritious than conventional, there was no evidence to support this perception"

no systematic difference in the vitamin content of both conventional food or ask any health risk than organic. They also found that the risk of bacteria

Escherichia coli

E. coli

Interestingly, an increase of 33% in the risk of the use of antibiotic resistant bacteria in chicken or pork higher than their conventional counterparts, organic reported.

This research confirms the findings of a 2009 study by the Food Standards Agency, which also concluded that there was no significant difference in the nutritional content or additional benefits for health food organic compared to conventionally produced food.

Dr. Alan Dangour, nutritionist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and lead author of the study FSA, said: "As in 2009, the magazine, [this study] demonstrates Again no significant differences in nutrient content between organic foods and conventionally produced. recent review identified that there is currently no convincing differences between organic and conventional foods for nutrient content or health. We this test will be useful for consumers. "
When I sent Emma Hockridge, policy director of the Soil Association, said that the concerns of consumers about organic chemicals were well founded. "A report by the FSA earlier this year, revealed the presence of carbendazim, a suspected hormone-disrupting chemicals banned in the United States, in fruits and vegetables, even after washing and cooking. According to the organic regulations, these chemicals are forbidden to purchase organic foods is a simple way to avoid chemicals, which remains the main reason for consumers to do. "

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