Thursday, October 18, 2012

energy giant was attended by representatives of "training" 10 departments for two days, according to freedom of information documents

senior Whitehall officials from 10 ministries and agencies participated in training courses exclusive "to" developed by Shell two days at its headquarters in London, according to documents released by the Ministry of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in response to a request for access to information.

The documents show that in June this year and the last "30-40 medium high level officials" participated in two days of "power over Whitehall Shell" kick home spending energy giant at its headquarters in the Bank of London, United Kingdom South.

In response to a request for access to information, Decc said the course was designed to give officials an "understanding of the energy industry in the United Kingdom and the abroad. "He added:" The markets for production and energy in a carbon-constrained world were the main themes of the course [] The program is an opportunity for staff to hear the views Decc Shell in the oil and gas and meet colleagues. counterparts in other departments and exchange views on the industry and the activities of Shell ".

Decc confirmed that 12 of its officials attended the event this year and that Shell is the only company or organization providing that "training" to its employees.

The event, on 19 and 20 June inclusive presentations as "Government and Industry Working Together" by the Public Relations Officer of Shell UK, and "Transparency, Rights Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility "by NGOs and stakeholders business relationship manager.

Jim Footner, head of Greenpeace's climate and energy campaign, said. "These documents show that one of the most environmentally damaging of the world have alarming levels of access to a part of the government's largest Shell mandarins actually themselves locked in a room for days with strong public officials in order to promote their own agenda. Our government officials should not be allowed to participate in two days schmooze-athon with that company.

"Instead, they must raise their game and try to save the Arctic [where Shell is trying to extract oil], and not fool around with a company that could destroy this field blank and beautiful. "

A spokesperson said. "Decc staff are encouraged to work with a wide range of organizations and external stakeholders to assist the Department in meeting its commitments and goals This commitment helps improve their knowledge of the industry and markets for their own professional development. Shell one of the many stakeholders who have regular contact with Decc. Course, organized by Shell, was an opportunity for staff to meet their counterparts in industry and Whitehall. "

spokesman officials also attended the following departments: Treasury, the Environment Agency, the Department for International Development, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the Department of Transport, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK Trade and Investment, the Ministry of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the health code and safety.
A spokesman for Shell said the annual course for middle and senior officials was "part of our dialogue with legitimate stakeholders about the energy industry as a whole and Shell's activities. "

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