Earlier this year, Twitter has given prestige to not run when the government came calling call 2703 (d) control (eg a search warrant, but with much less privacy protections) in related information concerning individuals associated with Wikileaks. He also wondered else
had received the order and had not in front of him. Some information is emerging, and it seems that Google and Sonic.net ISP received such requests, at least for Jacob Appelbaum. Sonic.net said that, too, fought the request, but lost. Then he fought for the query made public, it has finally arrived, although some details are still under seal:
said the government has fought and lost, and was forced to provide information. Against the order was "quite expensive but we thought it was the right thing to do," said the general manager of Sonic, Dane Jasper. The government's request includes the email addresses of people that Mr. Appelbaum is compatible with the last two years, but ... not all e-mails
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- The New York Times began to experiment with some software projects that can help spread your news. Beta620 is supposed to be "a place for anyone to propose and collaborate on new ideas and products" - and perhaps it is time for the New York Times to break the line of companies / paper Netflix / url Qwikster entities similar .. .. []
- school newspaper published his writing in the Middle textbooks online through the life of the project. These students of the seventh created a blog - is it the future of journalism? [url] writing of textbooks printed journalism is not an easy task. People who write for love or reputation. But even in the evolving field of journalism, there are still some platitudes like "know your audience and how to achieve them." [url]
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The Role of Higher Education White proposes that universities should train students for future work. But not all scholars are ready
Kim Hughesstudies of a chocolate bar in the way most of us consider a diamond necklace. She has no idea what to eat, but admire its design and efforts to build it. After completing the training program graduate Nestlé last year, is now a "specialist focused on improving" by reviewing the systems of production of confectionery products.
Hughes has faced hundreds of other candidates in a selection process trying to earn their place in Nestle, but admits he was lucky to have graduated before your chances of finding work declined dramatically.
The latest figures from the series of Education Statistics Agency higher among the graduates of 2010, only 62% were employed six months after leaving university with a 7% combining work and study . This is an improvement over the previous year, but remains well below pre-crisis levels of credit.
universities minister, David Willetts, took over the numbers to justify the proposals presented in the paper white of higher education, for universities to work with employers to develop courses and "Kitemark "and to stimulate job training for students. He also spoke of the great gap between different schools, ranging from a high of 100% of employment at the University of Buckingham to 78% at the University of East London, as evidence that inefficient courts should be named and embarrassing, so students can make informed decisions on what and where to study.
However, many experts are less enthusiastic about the prospect of training students for work. Wendy Piatt, director general of the elite Russell Group, says his member institutions aim to provide students with basic skills such as problem solving, analytical skills, creative thinking and innovation, so that s 'adapt to new environments. "The development of these skills and qualities of high-level, rather than specific vocational training, is one of the vital functions of the universities should play," she said.
Professor John Brennan, director of research in higher education and information at the Open University, studied graduate employment for the past 20 years and sees the real danger of "vocational training" moving "Education for Life" in the student experience.
"employability of graduates is a shared responsibility between employers and universities, but you really have to consider if you're in the business of preparing students for their first jobs or careers in life, "he said. "I would say in the UK, there is often a transition period of four or five years out from a graduate college and become established in his career."
In a research project, from Brennan United Kingdom and Germany, the systems, concluding that the graduates in each country could be "the same point" of the late 20, the Germans spent a long period of higher vocational education, while Great Britain has gained experience in the job after a much shorter career.
"There are real benefits to the British system of having a short study at the university," said Brennan, "but you have to do what can reasonably be taught in a program three years and that is best left until graduates start their career? "
Brennan is the first to admit that the supply of relevant work experience, such as placements and internships, may be of great use. The real problem, apparently shared by graduates, the Government intends to allow companies to influence the content of the basic curriculum.
- Before joining Nestlé, Hughes completed a course of five years in biomolecular and medicinal chemistry at the University of Strathclyde, which included a year in the industry. "The work experience helped me to continue the training plan of Nestle," he said. "Even the part-time job I had as a student job skills taught me more than my classes, but I see employability as something that should be taught in teaching situations."
- A report Edge, charity, education, published shortly before the White Paper recommends that universities should consult with employers in job design undergraduate and post-central planning.
"There is a tendency for employers want graduates ready in the oven and it is unfair that some are abandoned by their universities and are at a disadvantage compared to other graduates applying for jobs," said David Harbourne, director of advanced research which commissioned the University of Glasgow to carry out the study.
"Some scholars believe employability according to the office of the college and career will get their hands dirty with it. There is a balance needed, but no one can dispute that a scholar of English literature is is not to think about the work they will do after graduation. "
Find best price for : --Education----Hope----Liverpool----Roger----Alan----College----Brennan----David----Hughes--
students at Hendon love the weekly visit of a farmer, is one of the elements that help you comply with the Children's Manifesto
attendance record Angel Hendon, a large spacious north London, is poor. It comes in one day a week. But that day made all the difference. Because Angel is a white farmer and his job is to help students who encounter problems. "Angel is there for vulnerable children," said Sue Fella, the children each school business manager and a former social worker. "One guy was pretty isolated, so that gave Angel to look after. If you take a dog around the school, people talking, right? Road Angel received the confidence of a child and began talking to people. "
animals - including George the poodle, poodle Fred, Guinea pigs and a fish tank - is only one of the innovations that make the school Hendon close to matching all the points of the Manifesto children, said the school must have perfect animal care.
At first glance, the school of Hendon with net addition of eight and more than 1,300 students, is a promising candidate for one of the best schools in Britain. The original construction in the early 20th century is surrounded by the "new building" - a block of 1960 with peeling window frames. There is a scattering of portable classrooms. Science labs still have wooden benches. But when age and downs of architecture, the staff began to illuminate. The director, Kevin McKellar, personally dipped a brush into a pot of emulsion purple and made manifest the will of "the prohibition of gray, black and brown school." In each lane in ruins, the reign of bright colors. A tree in source form, decorated with ice in winter, is at the center of the courtyard where students gather. Only seven years, the school was in special measures. Now, 82% of students at a * - C at GCSE.
But according to students 9 years Payal Gopal, academic success is not making your special school. "It's the atmosphere," she said. "Everyone gets along well with others. We all listened to each other. "There is an active school council table and the voice of the student," You Said "and" what we were doing "columns. An example: You said: "We want more say in how the school uses the budget." What we did: we were told that Mr. McKellar gave the student council and students £ 1,000 a vote on how to use the money to benefit the school. "Not only listen, but to take the children's comments seriously and make changes accordingly," says the manifesto.
- Children are roles within the school through a leadership program, which is gradually introduced in all subjects and allows students to take on additional responsibilities for areas that are of particular parts stakeholders "We are involved in school more [they] in other schools," says the student of 9 years Elsadiq Salim, a sports official. "We need to help departments and organize clubs, like playing mathematics math club, chess club, drama club. Students are given positions of responsibility in this case. You get to experience. "
"opportunities to go abroad and learn other languages ??and cultures" is on the manifest. Hendon is a specialized language school and is proud of its multiculturalism, all learning together world is the motto of the school. Flags of students in the country house of paper walls. There are classes on Saturday mornings, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Latin.
trips are also closer to home. Tours, for many, in fact, it was difficult to make an appointment for a guided tour of the school and everyone has always been an activity. Some were "travel time" to Stonehenge or archaeological excavations. 9 years had gone camping in Hertfordshire. More than 40 other students have made a weekend of outdoor activities in Devon. No one is left side. A hundred "unsung heroes" are treated to a trip to Southend. "Not the best for children and not children who misbehave," said Doonan. "It's a special trip for those who are sometimes not enough attention. " The school is included in every direction. There is no provision for deaf students, and each teacher has the name of his company is in the lobby. This is the first thing you see when you enter there is a sign of the week, when I visited, was independence. There is also a unit of autism, where Guinea pigs are kept.
Find best price for : --Angel----Payal----Hendon--
We have heard much talk about job creation, Obama speaks after the working day, but it contains everything that might work?
Obama discovered the severity of the recession. That's what he told an audience in Chicago last week. To be fair, he was referring to the review of data from the Commerce Department shows that the fall in GDP was larger than initially reported.
But a fool is right. He and we knew that the more people were unemployed. Employment figures have been told that the hole size and the desperate need for government action.
This type of ridiculous comment, and the weak response from President Obama to the recession in the first two and half years of his presidency, said the wave of skepticism about his next speech widely promoted in the jobs of the festival week postpartum. The list of remedies has been disclosed in advance does little to inspire hope.
At the top of the list of measures to create jobs is spreading the reduction of 2 percentage points of the social security payroll taxes. This is not to give impetus to the economy, because it remains in place a tax that was already there, but if the court is allowed to end in early 2012, will be a drag on growth.
As the social security program is fully reimbursed for lost tax revenues, but there is always the possibility that Republicans used as a base to attack the program. Taking into account the will of President Obama to support reductions in social security, it is understandable that this part of his work schedule does not generate much enthusiasm.
A second element is often called a bank infrastructure. This would allow the government to address long-term investments in infrastructure costs and capital depreciated over its expected useful life, rather than costs to be paid in full within the next year the construction takes place. It's a good policy and accounting (the same approach used by both private companies and state governments), but it will not create many jobs and much less in the next two years.
Other items on the list are less clear. On bad days, we learned that President Obama will promote trade agreements with Panama, South Korea and Colombia. These offers are all issues in the best, but even his supporters can not say with all the seriousness it will generate a significant number of jobs.
- Numerous studies show that minimum wage increases of 15-20% have no measurable impact on employment. If you increase labor costs by 15-20% does not reduce employment, while we believe that
- reduce
- labor costs by 6.2% due to employment temporarily removing increase the payroll tax. (Sorry, Mr. President, the logic can be cruel.) This means that we should expect fewer jobs will be created by this type of grant. You just be completing the share record profits in national income
subsidize the social security tax. It is difficult to understand why President Obama has adopted the same approach.
Of course, we must not be defeatist about creating jobs. Anyone who cares knows how. At the top of the list should be an employment program for young people who would be the model of the Civilian Conservation Corps. There are many parts of the country where the rate of youth unemployment is 40-50%. These young people have no real chance to find a job. Provide work or near minimum wage, street cleaning, parks and abandoned buildings in the neighborhood can make a big difference in their lives -. And significantly improve local
Find best price for : --President----Conservation----Civilian----Obama--
Vietnamese artist creates performance pieces with the farmer, aged between 50-75. Alfred Hickling talks to her about her work is constantly changing, drought and rain
in a stuffy room in the center of Naples, a group of Vietnamese peasant women being on stage. They are not professional actors, but farmers aged between 50 and 75 who had never left their villages, much less was transplanted into the streets full of trash from the chaotic city of Italy. Slowly start swinging, as if the wind shakes a rice field. While their movements are simple, have a quality that is sometimes furtive ritual quite surreal. By tilting the head gently nodding tops of the conical straw hats resembling a fungal strain abroad.
not easy to say that this act enigmatic, is intended to be - it's hard to call it theater, because no one speaks. It is difficult to characterize it as dance, because artists barely move.
The play, called The drought and rain, is the creation of Vietnamese-French director, choreographer and performer Ea Sola.
as a rare example of a Vietnamese theatremaker with an international profile, Sola was invited to drought and rainfall in the Naples Theatre Festival, after which it will be seen in Edinburgh and London Sadler Wells. However, it does not become an artist to provide products for the international festival circuit - in fact, he hesitates to call herself an artist at all, "I'm not an intellectual," he said. "I just the jungle, I just spent three months in school. "
Sola was born in Lam Dong, in the highlands of southern Vietnam (who refuses to say when, stating only that "age is an illusion"). His father was a fighter resistance in the war against the United States, and in 1974 fled the country in its original French, Polish, Hungarian mother, finally settling in Paris. The experience was extraordinary. "I grew up in a world beauty who came to Paris and suddenly everything was huge, mechanized and terrifying, "he said. "I needed to rebel, to save me."
daily Sola took to the streets and stood still until seven o'clock. "It was my way of saying, I do not belong here, I'm not one of you has been an incredible experience - I learned to control my body and observe the reactions of people around me, I discovered how to handle the pace, tension. and space. Finally, I met people who told me what I was doing was performance art. "
Among the artists and intellectuals who found Sola was the Japanese Butoh dancer Min Tanaka, the founder of an agricultural colony in Japan, where Sola spent some time with other artists who tend to the rice fields. He also received encouragement from composer György Ligeti. "Ligeti gave me the confidence to continue my exploration of memory and consciousness. I miss him a lot."
return to France, street events Sola earned a reputation as a cult. But she yearned to return to their country of origin, and in 1990 a grant from the French Ministry of Culture allowed to return to Vietnam. "I cried and kissed the ground," she says, "but it was horrible. The war and the embargo had destroyed everything. The country was in the dark."
Sola goal was to create a music theater piece inspired by the collective memory of the war. His research led him to remote villages in the northern delta of the river where the pockets of traditional culture is still preserved. "Vietnamese culture comes from the people and the earth," says Sola. "Art is made by farmers. Just no time or strength to the left of the culture when people need each hour of the day to get the next meal. " Traditionally, Vietnamese women stop dancing after the wedding. However, in many cities, only older women recalled the rituals and celebrations of his youth. "They were women who had taken up arms to survive, and became the guardian of the dance," says Sola. "I realized that for the work to be sincere and authentic, it would have to do with women themselves."
- The project became the first version of the drought and rain (
- Drought and Rain
- ) conducted worldwide in 1995. "Some of these women had never left their villages, or in a car, let alone a plane," said Sola. "They were terrified. Vomit. But they were determined to take part. A lady, aged 70, was only able to travel, but she begged me not to be left behind. And she was beautiful. "
Sola in 2005 created a second version, different from the room with the classically trained dancers of the Ballet de l'Opéra National de Hanoi. "I wanted to work with a young generation born after the war was over. They said they never thought about the war seems to have no influence on their lives. But gradually the stories began to emerge. Young dancer had a father rarely spoke did not realize who had fought in the war, I said .. "Now I begin to understand the silence of my father .'''
Find best price for : --Jonathan----Ballet----Cheo----Xuan----Nguyen----Vietnam----Sola--
ask citizens to control their chestnut trees for signs of damage caused by leaf miner worm
Fighting Gamestraditional conker is threatened by an invasion of alien moths, conservation experts warned Thursday.
In response, gardeners, hikers and other bright-eyed observers are requested by the universities and the Forestry Commission to monitor Buckeyes in damages for the destruction of caterpillars of the leaf, which the government called an "exotic pest".
for the first time in the leafy suburb of Wimbledon in London nine years ago, the horse chestnut leafminer has spread outside the capital at a rate of up to 60 km (37 miles) year. Botanists thought wilting and discoloration of leaves, caused by small caterpillars nest, "was not lasting damage, but signs are emerging that the infestation may retard the growth of the tree -. And the worst
Darren Evans, professor of conservation biology at the University of Hull, who is conducting a joint study with the University of Bristol, said: "One of the traditional games of the country could be threatened, because infected trees produce small butterfly Conkers abroad. It is serious enough to invite people from all over the country to see if the chestnut trees in the region were infected. "
The study is based on a database created by the Forestry Commission involving 3500 leaf Watchers last year. Their reports show that the moth, a species of the genus or family of moths Cameraria unknown until their discovery in Macedonia in 1978, had spread to Cardiff and North Norfolk town of Wells-next-the-Sea.
- Track
- this year has already affected trees found in Cornwall and Yorkshire, to suggest shortcomings in the amateur "radar" system. Evans said the survey confirmed the agreements, including a mobile application (version iPhone, Android). To make it easier for registrars to upload photos, which allow to trace the spread closer
chestnut affected recover and germinate in the spring, but become weak and produce little if Conkers years of miners' strike after year. The study could lead to measures taken by the owners to eliminate infestations, but monitoring can show that the natural predators of caterpillars are on the rise.
Find best price for : --Pocock----Wimbledon--
The Obama administration says that if the opponent can not defend themselves, not a war. "Military action kinetics," anyone? The Obama administration has developed an extraordinary justification for going to war against Libya without congressional approval required by the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution of 1973.
departure of U.S. aircraft entering the airspace of Libya, who are the target location, they throw bombs and bombs are killing and injuring people and destroying things.
is war
. Some say it is a good war, and some say the war is bad, but certainly war.
However, the Obama administration insists that it is
war. Why?
Because, according to "the Activities of States in Libya," a 32-page report that the government last week, "U.S. operations have nothing to do with the struggle of assets or exchanges of fire with hostile forces, or which involves the presence of U.S. troops on the ground, U.S. casualties or threat, or a significant potential for escalation in a conflict characterized by these factors. "
In other words, the correlation of forces is so skewed in favor of the United States than Americans die or are in danger of death. The war is a just war, apparently, when Americans die, when
die. When only
, Libyans, death is but it is still, apparently without a name. When they attack, it's war. When they attack us, it is not.
This can not be classified as anything but strange thoughts and depends, in turn, in a strange fact: that nowadays it is possible for some countries (or perhaps only ours), for the first time in history, to wage war without receiving a scratch in return. This was done almost in the bombing of Serbia in 1999, in which a single American plane was shot down (and the pilot rescued).
- some strange conclusions follow from this strange thought of these strange facts. In the old system of things, an attack on a country was an act of war, no matter who threw it or what happened next. Now, the Obama administration says that if the opponent can not fight, no war.
- It follows that the opponents of the United States have a new reason to, if we are not equal, at least we do some damage. Only then granted legal protection (as are) authorized the war. Without that, we thank you to the whims of the president.
There is a parallel here with the administration of George W. Bush on the question of torture (although needless to say that the parallel between the Libyan war itself, I oppose, but whose merits can be reasonably debated, and torture, which is totally wrong). President Bush wanted the torture, he was asked not to be considered torture, so he was able to obtain counsel for the Department of Justice to write his legal opinion excluding certain forms of torture, including simulated drowning, the definition of the word. These practices have been called for "enhanced interrogation techniques."
Find best price for : --Jonathan----Harold----Times----York----Landler----Mark----Savage----Charlie----George----Obama--
Many people accused of crimes of rioting last week denied bail by the magistrates
A teenager who stole clothes and accessories worth more than $ 1000 in a design shop in central London to prison after pleading guilty to charges of theft and violent unrest in the one of the most stylish of London.
Quiassaca Mario, 18, student, was one of 60 young people went to Sloane Square on Monday night and made their way into shops and businesses, including a currency exchange and a branch of Hugo Boss.
Quiassaca, who lives in the real estate of Churchill Gardens near Pimlico, central London, it was found that seven new issues of Hugo Boss in his possession when police raided the apartment of his family, including a Puff quilted jacket. Together they were valued at £ 1133.
For the third consecutive day of frantic peace courts across the country, Quiassaca was one of many cases to be heard in connection with the riots and looting.
In London, 1,132 people were arrested and 693 charged, according to the Metropolitan Police. Across the country, police arrests and 1600 796 people were before the court, the Department of Justice.
Speaking for the prosecution in the City of Westminster Magistrates Court, said Malachy Peckenham Quiassaca told detectives he wanted to cause chaos and was motivated by the resentment of the police, who said had arrested him while he was on his way back in football. He wore latex gloves during their looting to avoid leaving fingerprints on objects, Peckenham added.
Quiassaca Appearing with Charlie Burton also 18, who pleaded guilty to violent unrest in Sloane Square, but told police he left the scene after seeing the other children behave "like a pack animals. "He admitted that he went to Sloane Square to" create chaos ", but after the dumping of a container with wheels on the road to prevent access by police, he went home and told his mother what had happened. Burton, an apprentice in TranServe in Battersea, south London, was not involved in the looting of Hugo Boss, the court heard.
As in many cases in which the order is called "the list of disorders," the judge denied bail and parole given to men to be sentenced at the court of green wood Corona.
also denied bail was Sharek Leigh, a single mother of 22, from Tottenham, north London, who denied shoplifting Tottenham Hale Retail Park on Sunday. He was accused of stealing the sneakers JD, Samsung laptop worth £ 429 from Argos, Comet hardware and relaxers.
LeventMustafa, 22, of north London, was remanded in custody by a judge after a court heard he was found by police wearing a mask of black wool ski, a pair Marigold gloves and Adidas Goggles in Wood Green, north London, at 1 am Thursday morning and went to a house where I live. Mustafa pleaded not guilty to be equipped for flight.
One of the accused was released on bail was a girl of 14 who can not be identified for legal reasons, accused of stealing makeup, CDs and clothing stores street. She did not enter a statement and said that her mother had come for her. She has to appear in juvenile court on August 18 Haringay.
The volume of cases is wreaking havoc on the staff of the court in central London. "We are all intended to work now, but we're still here. There is no end, "said a police officer on duty at the court. A listing agent complained of fever, which saw staff working long hours." There is not as it should be voluntary overtime This court is ill-equipped -. We are the last cut should be offered to help, "he said. "I made a full turn. I came here because I wanted to be here. Now, I work and do not like the service. "
- was not just Westminster that the courts were busy, however.
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