The excuse used to justify the failure of Obama to close Guantanamo is incomplete and misleading. As well as several other elements
few (relatively) short items of note today:
CharlieThe New York Times reported yesterday that the State Department Savage "reassigned Daniel Fried, Special Envoy for closing prisons Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and does not replace it. "Who moves obviously confirms what has always been assumed: that the field remains open indefinitely and extravagant first day of Obama in the poll will be a dead letter. Dozens of inmates in the camps were approved today by the comments of Pentagon to launch Adnan Farhan - including Abdul Latif, a Yemeni 36 years who died in the camp in September after nearly 11 years in a cage despite never having been charged with a crime. Like many of his fellow prisoners, their efforts to secure their release were vigorously (and successfully) frustrated by the Obama administration.
perfectly symbolizes the path of the Obama presidency, sent a present close Guantanamo now "become coordinator of the department of political sanctions." Marcy Wheeler summarizes the changes in this way: "Instead of closing Guantanamo, we will intercept most of medical goods to Iran." Note that this reflects "how we changed our priorities of human rights." A few days ago, Savage describes how the Department of Justice Obama ignores the views of its own military prosecutors to prosecute Guantanamo detainees in military commissions of crimes that were not even recognized as violations the laws of war.
Whenever the issue is raised to the failure of Obama to close Guantanamo, the same excuse is immediately given in his name, he tried to do, but Congress (including the Liberals as Russ Feingold and Bernie Sanders) frustrated him not to finance the closure. As I documented at length last July, this excuse is very incomplete and misleading. When it comes to the failure to close Guantanamo, that "Congress, Obama prevented" debt was acquired zombie - never gonna die, whatever clearly and often discredited - but it is always interesting to note the reality.
I will not repeat all the details, quotes and evidence to support them - see here - but there are two indisputable facts that should always be included in this story. The first is that what made Guantanamo travesty of justice that was not their geographical location in the Caribbean Sea, but its system of indefinite detention: people were locked in cages, often for life , without charge or fair trial. Even before the Congress never acted on Obama's plan was to preserve and continue the basic injustice - indefinite detention - but simply moved on American soil.In short, Obama's plan to close Guantanamo has never been so it was to relocate in Illinois that the ACLU has called "Gitmo North." Therefore, ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said Obama 2009 "closing Guantanamo" plan "is just a significant step forward" and that "if Obama inherited the mess at Guantanamo, the current trend is its own policies adoption positive. "This is because, he said," the administration intends to continue the policy of his predecessor of indefinite detention without charge or trial for some detainees, with only a change of location. "
And why Democratic senators like Feingold voted against funding for closing Guantanamo is not because they are afraid to support the closure. This is because they have refused to fund the closure until they see Obama's specific plan
not wanting to support the import system of indefinite detention at Guantanamo Bay U.S. ground
otherwise expressly Obama.
short, Obama "close Guantanamo" was vintage Obama plan: a symbolic gesture designed to allow Democrats to feel good, keeping the basic skills that are the injustice in the first place. As Romero, the ACLU, said: "The closure of Guantanamo will be nothing more than a symbolic gesture if we continue its illegal policies on the ground." Again, Mr. Obama had his way - if Congress immediately approved the plan in its entirety - the system of indefinite detention Gitmo makes such a misfortune had followed in its entirety, only in a different
As for the story I wrote about yesterday - a massive expansion of the Pentagon's so-called "cyber-security" program - Here's how the New York Times described the move as a title
But here, as As'ad AbuKhalil noted, is that the article itself describes the program:
The Pentagon is moving to expand its cyber force to deal with the increasing attacks against computer networks in the country,
and extend offensive operations in foreign adversaries computer , defense officials said on Sunday.
While it is easy to take for granted because it is very common, worth pause and observe how courteous and friendly the New York Times is the Pentagon.
on Al-Jazeera "Inside Story Americas" program yesterday, I discussed the Pentagon's expansion of its program with the program two defenders cyberwar: former head of the defense Reagan and current CAP Senior Fellow Lawrence Korb, and Scott Borg of the U.S. Cyber ??Consequences Unit, a research institute funded by the Government 501c3. The series of 20-minute sessions can be found here:
As mentioned above, although 4,000 new employees may not be huge in the overall scheme of Pentagon spending, the expansion of this program and the new contracts that will result is certainly important.
(3) As a hobby over the years, I've become something of an expert on the statements of the U.S. government that are so embedded in obvious irony research that officials should have been pronounced just themselves cackling mischievously when he created them. Among my favorites of this kind were all such allegations by U.S. officials that Iran was "interfering" in Iraq and Afghanistan, two countries had invaded the United States and, at the time the statements were published on tens of thousands of soldiers.
In a Reuters report on Tuesday intercepted a ship off the coast of Yemen, have been carrying weapons for rebels in Yemen and U.S. officials anonymous complaint was sent by Iran is another excellent entry:
"This shows ever pernicious Iranian interference in other countries in the region," the second U.S. official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity. "
- How dare Iran "interference" in a country where we have supported (and continue to support) a dictatorship for decades and bombard us regularly? It is difficult to believe that a human brain - even the most self-deluded nationalists - is capable of such statements, while hiding the self irony oozing
Dark Zero The comments are coming in. Thirty Israeli journalist Noam Sheizaf calls "the vilest film I saw and immoral war since years, "and separately noted that" Hollywood gives [Kathryn Bigelow] prices because it makes Americans feel good about themselves and their wars. "In the Guardian, Slavoj ?i?ek shows the film as" Hollywood gift American power. "Meanwhile, Richard Lawson Atlantic Wire wrote yesterday that the objections on the increasing film - click here -. Caused the" crash "of their status as early Oscar favorite" something vaguely taboo "
Find best price for : --Glenn----Guardian----Konefsky----Mavi----Fatima----Khalidi----Rashid----Columbia----School----Brooklyn----Niger----Mali----Dark----Zero----Times----ACLU----Bernie----Feingold----Russ----Obama----Guant?namo----Daniel----Savage----Charlie----York----GITMO--
more detailed study, for forty years, also analyze the impact of climate change and to enable ministers to examine forest "inside"
The Brazilian government is to launch a census of trees in the Amazon four years to improve understanding of the impacts of deforestation, climate change and conservation efforts.
The study will also assess the potential value of biodiversity under the canopy and growth of human settlements in the Amazon region, which is home to a rapidly growing number of cities and isolated from Indian tribes.
cataloging operation is the most detailed study of 40 -. A time when the largest rainforest in the world, has undergone unprecedented pressure from farmers, loggers and droughts
The Ministry of Environment said inventory "will give us an overall picture of the quality and condition of the forest."
- improvements in the technology of satellite surveillance has provided a wealth of data on the degradation of the Amazon.
- Last week, NASA released figures showing that twice the size of California continues to experience a mega-drought, which began eight years ago. NASA says that this may be the first sign that the Amazon is suffering serious consequences of climate change.
- The Brazilian government also uses a sophisticated satellite system to coordinate their actions against illegal logging. The Ministry of the Environment says it has slowed deforestation and pushed Brazil to half its commitment in Copenhagen to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 36% by 2020.
"We will get acquainted with the forest inside," said the Minister of Forests, Antonio Carlos Hummel.
Find best price for : --California----Nasa--
geoengineering method could reduce emissions, but requires a huge effort and mining change the balance of the ocean
billion tons of mineral powder spray over the oceans could quickly remove large amounts of carbon dioxide to global warming, according to a new study.
The proposed "geo-engineering" technique also offset ocean acidification and can be directed to coral reefs endangered, but would require an effort on mining large-scale coal in the world and alter the biology of the oceans.
"is certainly not a simple solution to the problem of global warming," said Peter K?hler, at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany, who led the study. It would take 100 large vessels operating throughout the year to distribute tons of mineral olivine 1BN, although it may be possible to use water ballast in the existing transport instead.
geoengineering- global intervention in the fight against climate change - is a controversial idea because of the risk of unintended consequences globally. But scientists say it should be studied in the case of international efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities can not avoid radical changes in weather and emergency measures.
- More than 10% is absorbed by the oceans, but the energy required for grinding and mineral dust transport result in carbon emissions. Up to a third of what would be absorbed by the oceans if coal plants are the source of electricity. The mineral must be ground to a size of 1 micron to avoid sinking to the bottom of the ocean before it dissolves.
- Oceans and dissolve
- billion tons of silicate minerals flowing into the ocean sediments transported by rivers. Adding more silicate alter plankton growing in the oceans, said K?hler. "Silicate is a limiting nutrient for diatoms, a specific type of phytoplankton. Added silicate alter the species composition of phytoplankton diatoms inside."
Instead of temporarily block the sun's heat, the approach eliminates the mineral powder carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, then stop spraying dust not only mean more carbon was removed. It also helps reduce ocean acidification, K?hler.
But he said it would be very difficult to conclude international agreements necessary to begin spraying the dust, even if it was proven safe and could be financed.
Find best price for : --mineral----Research----Polar----Wegener----Alfred----Peter--
media attention is the role of small farmers in poverty reduction and food security, but what we need is action on land rights and support to cope with powerful partners
With the release of enough food for everyone if the campaign global food security is back on the public agenda. The British campaign hopes to mobilize public support leading up to the G8 meeting in June, in an attempt to replicate the achievements of Make Poverty History in 2005. One of the cornerstones of the campaign if the earth, and draw attention to the plight of poor farmers are forced to abandon their property in what has been described as a "land grab" neo-colonial.
We, of course, the process of alienation and dispossession accelerated in the past century. At the age of extremes, the final volume of his popular books quartet, the historian Eric Hobsbawm has stated that "the death of peasants" was "the most drastic change and large social in the second half of this [ 20th century] "seal" us forever in the world of the past. "" farmers, "said Hobsbawm," which had formed the majority of the human race throughout history, was rejected by the agricultural revolution ".
While many on the left felt that it was premature to an obituary, several right-wing commentators have seen the disappearance of the peasantry as a prerequisite to prosperity. In the magazine Foreign Affairs Committee U.S. in 2008, Paul Collier quipped "the question of love and the upper middle class with peasant agriculture" and said that "the peasants, as pandas, must be preserved." In today's world, Collier argues that "the world needs more retail parks, not less."
CollierComments are a recent delivery of a long history of small farmers derogatory. Victorian Indian elites also punished
farmers, tenants and sharecroppers Irish Cottier Africans as primitive, lazy, liars and improvident. Much the same story that characterized the colonial period transferred to the Green Revolution as "de-peasantisation" became
sine qua non
for Agricultural Development . The drive for better performance, thanks to influential voices within the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, strong structure is required to support agriculture, including expensive pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and regular watering, a large part of this which was beyond the capacity of small farmers.
The report of the World Economic Forum, a new vision for agriculture (pdf), which was published on the occasion of the annual meeting in Davos, promises to break this spiral of thought misanthrope. Recognizing that the planet is home to about 500 million small farmers - support 2 million people, or 97% of the world's food production and nearly 70% of the world population - report stresses the importance of " collaboration "with small farmers to ensure food security, economic development and environmental sustainability. Instead of being regarded as fossils of the past, small farmers are identified in the report as "agents of change" and "catalysts" of the business transformation of agriculture. The report insists that "small" projects can be designed with investors including the private sector, governments and civil society organizations. With the right incentives, projects can be strengthened at regional and national levels, promoting poverty reduction and rural development, but it really is a break with past practice - a real "new vision" for the agriculture
We believe there are reasons for caution. Firstly, the association as provided in this report is clearly an alliance David meets Goliath type. Although local businesses and farmers crop the image, is the global agribusiness that dominates the view. Can they really smallholders have a voice in collective bargaining power of Bunge, Cargill, Coca-Cola, Diageo, DuPont, Unilever and Wal-Mart - some of the 28 member companies driving the initiative? Too often, the rhetoric of partnership development asymmetries masks great power among participants.
Second, the new vision of agriculture gives priority to market-based approaches to food security and poverty reduction. The report poses the question: "With the models employed, small farmers are able to participate fully in the market even more, mainly subsistence level?" However, the contrast between subsistence agriculture ("bad") and the market share and the production of goods ("good") is not simple. Market volatility can give good and bad for the poor.
- Finally, there is the unshakable feeling that we have been here before. At the end of the 2012 Olympics, British athlete Mo Farah joined the international political Downing Street to raise awareness of "Hunger Summit" David Cameron. For the Prime Minister, it was a very clever stunt.
Find best price for : --David--
supporters of the Royal Institution are struggling to maintain their historic house in Mayfair, but why so few people talk about the future?
Albemarle I visited the Royal Institution of the house from the street on a handful of occasions in recent years. The building is very nice, a bit elegant Mayfair. There is a museum which apparently only open during office hours, and a bar where a round of drinks cost as much as the third world debt. He was the victim of an attempted renewal of ? 22m under the direction of former director (and writer of speculative fiction current) Susan Greenfield, who tried to convert the mass of bricks venerable old man in one of these large "spaces for corporate events" in which there is not in London. Who left the blueprint Ri ? 7,000,000 debt, and now face the sale of the building in which "10 chemical elements were discovered and where Michael Faraday demonstrated the power of electricity . "
A petition appeared inevitable, which calls for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
"buy the building for the nation"
- good deal with 60 million pounds -., and ", then let Ri remain there indefinitely"
BIS Why should I do it? Because it has history. Because Conferences hosts Christmas. because the Nobel stated that if the building is sold, the
"institution will be lost forever"
). Indeed, if the government can spend billions bailing out banks after a few miserable dollars does not really matter anyway. far from being a call to arms, all that hammers home demand is mistaken about the RI, and the sense of entitlement that has charity former first point.Christmas
conferences were great, but it is strange to think that the idea conceived in the 19th century, is fit for the 21. Nine years ago to face a decline in television programming as well as Channel 4 called for the series to be more "up-to-date," he told the BBC they would not "show classes again, because that believes that the broadcasting environment has evolved over the last four years. "In all cases, conferences are special because of the people involved and the work ethic that goes into them, not the conference room they happen to take place in the story is just ... historical and scientific discoveries are held throughout the UK, what often happens is that the laboratories and offices are not as good.- What is missing in the request - and how supporters of Ri as Sir David Attenborough - is a coherent vision of the future or even the present. Programs (excellent) research and extension are not mentioned, perhaps because you can run from anywhere.
"nobody cares about your stupid story!"
plans to transform all into a "living science" stylish restaurant with a bar and expensive luxury old ideas were rooted in the 20th century, and showed how disconnected from the place of the old, rich , white settlement in Ri were. During the last 10 years have seen a burgeoning scene of popular science developed in London, with a generation of enthusiastic young people between 20 and 30 years from blogs, chats in pubs caf?s and the organization MathsJam, science, skeptics in ShowOff pub, others speak Nerd Festival, Bright Club, Burlesque science, and many can not remember right now.
Find best price for : --Institution----Attenborough----David----Albemarle----Royal--
A central London, Marks & Spencer store offers the opportunity to purchase scrap celebrities while raising funds for Oxfam. It is another step towards ethical fashion
If you think clothing exchange as more likely to take place in the hall of the main street, Marks & Spencer news for you - that has been the trend in his shop in London Marble Arch pop this place Thursday and Friday. Or a version thereof, at least. Shwop the store, as it is called, is a collaboration with Oxfam and donated clothing from celebrity Alexa Chung for Tinie Tempah. In a kind of buffer Oxfam transported on the ground floor, the limited and varies autograph, you can have dinner jacket Gary Barlow for ? 120, for example, or costumed Pixie Geldof for ? 60.
Although not strictly exchange, you must bring an old article that even celebrities can buy these scrap. All supervised by Joanna Lumley, which will be effective boxes, it is a sign that the trend of word-of-mouth has hit the mainstream. "We have all these pieces that have nothing else," he said in his soft voice. "This is a way to give them a new life."
for M & S in the news for reasons not very favorable recently, is part of a more positive story - the store was progressive in regard to ethical and environmental issues. Plan, an initiative was launched in 2007 to improve the sustainability and this is the last. "He's trying to make it exciting, but it is something we do every day," said Steve Sharp, executive director of marketing.
- For Oxfam, has been a lifesaver. "In a recession, people are not clear with the largest number of start," said Gilfeather Fee, head of the marketing organization for trade. "It was felt throughout the retail sale of charitable sector, but this partnership with M & S has helped to reverse the trend. "
done. Here's a way to get something without spending the feelgood factor thrown in. "I think that people receive care quickly and constantly question the act of buying new things at stores like Primark," said Susie Lau Stylebubble fashion blogger behind, and contributes to a store Shwop vintage green dress. "It's definitely an affordable alternative and pumping new life into your wardrobe."
positive impact on the environment is also part of the successful exchange. With nearly 350,000 tonnes of clothing sent to landfill each year, somehow reuse increasingly feel that the good thing, especially for a new generation has grown up in the shadow of climate change. "Our dream is to give the thrill of retail therapy without impact on the environment," says Lucy Shea founder of rustling - now the UK's largest clothing exchange event. "We want to make the behavior fun green. "Shwopping certainly has the fun factor - and the celebrity factor. Lumley, stressed the" dressing-up box "way of shopping." Throw the clothes together unexpectedly, "she said.
Find best price for : --Oxfam----Shea----Arch----Marble----Spencer----Marks--
photosynthesis replica attempt to make a more fuel efficient renewable
Scientists try to imitateplants use sunlight how to make more efficient renewable fuel.
Aa> Researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) embark on a ? 800,000 project to replicate photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into sugars to help them grow . The method can be used to produce hydrogen, which can be used as free fuel emissions from cars, or converted into green electricity.- expects that the method of placing small solar panels on microbes to exploit the sunlight and promote hydrogen production will be more efficient to convert energy the sun that exists today.
- Principal Investigator Professor
- Julea Butt of UEA, said. "The reserves of fossil fuels and reduce fuel prices continue to rise, so it is very important that we turn to renewable energy supplies "Many renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and waves remain largely untapped resource.
As a crucial decision on the nuclear dumping trades people of Cumbria are divided on the best way to ensure their future - and the National Park
High cliffs of Scafell Pike in the black depths of Wastwater, The Lake District is one of the most beautiful destinations in Britain.
However, the landscape is now the center of a conflict increasingly fractious between those who insist on preserving the crystalline qualities of the moor is the best plan for economic development and a group say the new developments in the area would create more jobs and growth.
mountaineer best known in Britain, Sir Chris Bonington, fired the first salvo to resign as vice-president of the Friends of the Lake District, following the rejection of plans National Park a "zip" rebound Pike Fleetwith side. Now, Cumbria Tourist Board - the main source of income in the county, which oversees the park - has joined the controversy, arguing that lakes must evolve over time. Richard Greenwood, board development and policy director, said that respect for the integrity of the landscape OFF "means that the area should be preserved in aspic, especially if we want people to continue to flow into the future. "
His comments come at a time in the Lake District is facing a growing number of threats, including the possible location of the largest nuclear waste dump in their remote western valleys, the possibility that dozens of towers will be located in the national park. and the risk of increased access to their forests
Bonington tirolina supported as an innovative way to rejuvenate the economy by attracting new tourists and young people. "The benefits to attract visitors and create local jobs are very good and we should not be too stuffy:. A Tirolina would be fun, "he wrote. The conservation organization has resigned, however, argued that the bogs were sacrosanct, and they were the virgin who has attracted more than 15 million annual visitors of the park. Jack Ellerby, policy chief of the Friends of the Lake District, said the vast majority of visitors came to "experience the peace and tranquility."
The appearance of a letter in 2009 Bonington an objection to a proposed tourism development north of Kendal still obscured the debate. In this paper, the climber describes critical Borrowdale valley zip claimed would be affected, as "one of the most beautiful valleys of Cumbria, the more attractive for its tranquility and impeccable quality."
The potential threat is then a decision on the location of a huge underground cavern for the storage of nuclear waste in Britain over millions of years. On 30 January, three tips Cumbria decide whether to accept a proposal for a comprehensive underground storage preplanning four times larger than the vast complex of Sellafield, where the waste will be transported.
- "It" refers to Sellafield, which provides employment to 9231 an area of ??West Cumbria which is also naturally blessed as it is with economic challenges. Further down the valley in the King George IV pub in Eskdale, a bar worker, who declined to be identified, said he was in favor of nuclear waste buried in the valley after the government promised benefits Community advice that led to the huge underground cavern. "Dig a hole," he said. "The bigger, the better. Sellafield We lived for 50 years. What is the problem? Every penny per pound help. "
meet these requirements can best be achieved by adopting a more relaxed approach to the landscape, according to Greenwood, one of the leading figures in the region. He warned that maintaining the position of the region as the "adventure capital of the UK" the need for an open mind. "If we do not invest in ideas as Honister zip then we will be left behind," he said. He said the latest survey showed that more than half of the visitors Cumbria 40 million annual visitors County engaged in the adventure, but 68% also said to have visited the views.
Among the few visitors to cope with freezing Lagos last week were Richard and Emily Bolland Tadcaster, in Yorkshire, you can see four panels of your own home. Emily said: "The scenery is incredible, if unspolit put a bit of a damper on it in case of change of opinion.".
Find best price for : --Lakes----Grizedale----Bolland----Emily----Woolpack----Paddington----Cumbria----West----Kendal----Bonington----Richard----Fleetwith----Chris----District----Lake----Pike--
Supermarkets are not the victims of this scandal - with fake fragrances and flavors that made us lose touch with what we eat
In Stephen Sondheim Sweeney Todd was initially cats in pastels, and later, as every drama needs a boost was more cakes. Now, in the development of light strips and supermarkets cheaper restaurants is pieces of pork burgers and the horse, sometimes grotesque amounts.
Ignore the talk about horse meat is good for you, which is not an opportunity to surprise with revenues of horse, but a fraud perpetrated against poor consumers inevitably. Is anyone surprised that the falsification occurred in "value" products? I am surprised that the event was not stronger - until now, most of tears for the horses were good, not for children unconsciously swallow cute cute horses, and then played with their cousins Plastic
Worse - eating pork or Little Pony Peppa? It depends if you are a fan of Jilly Cooper, a Jew or a Muslim. Anyway, I detect snobbery: If you are a stranger to farmers markets, what can you expect for your money, even when it was announced that one million children, or small consumers, it is in poverty in this administration? The story has already been in the gag. A pantomime horse is entered in a Tesco in Pembrokeshire earlier this week and pretended to cry in the hallway hamburger until security pulled him out.
adulteration of food is as old as greed. Bee Wilson fascinating book swindled: the dark history of food fraud, from poisoned candy to coffee discussions on counterfeiting 19th century London grocer selling vegetables shiny copper wire or adding red double cheese Gloucester. Rotten cheese has been corrected or covered with cheese, rotting flesh was burned outside the town, which is then sold. Bread flour could be cut with sand; pepper with the dust of the ground. Romans sweet wine with soft lead. Sweets in India can be colored with poisons, China, soy sauce is said that sometimes made of human hair. The tea leaves are recycled and resold. The decrease P?rigold impersonate Chinese truffles
No Tesco accused of secret prescience pony yuksome hamburgers. But I do not buy their sense of bewildered victim, his almost Shakespearean "a fraud perpetrated on all of us" rhetoric is. Nobody is more inclined to hide what we are eating in supermarkets, food and no more dangerous pushing harder in the mouth. scandal part of deregulation. This current adulteration has not been discovered in the UK, but in Ireland. As Mary Creagh, the shadow environment secretary, said in The Guardian, the government divided the responsibility for food inspection between the Ministry of Health and the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in 2010: the sharing of responsibilities, and see the chaos flap.
- Creagh also noted the Food Standards Agency (FSA) Meat Hygiene Service has seen its budget reduced by ? 12 million over four years. (The budget for the General Standards of sale will be reduced by a third to ? 140 million in 2014.) The number of inspections of commercial standards for all the products has been reduced by 29% in two years and many laboratories Public halved analysts almost a decade. This is probably all the happiness for the industry in general and the food industry, in particular, as I never get tired of the note, we had the chance to write the Conservative Party's policy in foods opposition.
- The government's response to those who point out weaknesses in the rules of the trade was a master of Americanisms was Bush. Criticizing the food industry in the UK is unpatriotic, or, as the Minister of the Environment David Heath said Creagh:. "It is very important that neither you nor anyone else, talk like British food industry" Ignorance, in your opinion, is better these days, it is good for burgers, or against them This is not useful But it is not adjustable for growing food in general, and that we have a crisis, thanks to our hunger for food cheap and varied, and the terrible monopoly power. Of all the things that come easily and cheaply, maybe the food is the most dangerous? If their burgers are less than 6 pounds per kilo, and you do not farm or butcher (as approved by the original route Kill Cookbook), can we really be surprised if cut with unspeakable horrors?
confuse the scents and flavors of wrong, the food is bad is rejected in a strange parallel with the beauty industry. It was revealed this month that the world we take between 30% and 50% of the food we buy in supermarkets, and 75% of vegetables grown in Britain are not even eat. If you do not know what is supposed to taste, how can you know what you eat? The answer came this week. You can not.
Find best price for : --Agency----Standards----Food----Tesco----Jilly----Little----Peppa----Todd----Sweeney----Stephen--
Supermarkets are not the victims of this scandal - with fake fragrances and flavors that made us lose touch with what we eat
In Stephen Sondheim Sweeney Todd was initially cats in pastels, and later, as every drama needs a boost was more cakes. Now, in the development of light strips and supermarkets cheaper restaurants is pieces of pork burgers and the horse, sometimes grotesque amounts.
Ignore the talk about horse meat is good for you, which is not an opportunity to surprise with revenues of horse, but a fraud perpetrated against poor consumers inevitably. Is anyone surprised that the falsification occurred in "value" products? I am surprised that the event was not stronger - until now, most of tears for the horses were good, not for children unconsciously swallow cute cute horses, and then played with their cousins Plastic
Worse - eating pork or Little Pony Peppa? It depends if you are a fan of Jilly Cooper, a Jew or a Muslim. Anyway, I detect snobbery: If you are a stranger to farmers markets, what can you expect for your money, even when it was announced that one million children, or small consumers, it is in poverty in this administration? The story has already been in the gag. A pantomime horse is entered in a Tesco in Pembrokeshire earlier this week and pretended to cry in the hallway hamburger until security pulled him out.
adulteration of food is as old as greed. Bee Wilson fascinating book swindled: the dark history of food fraud, from poisoned candy to coffee discussions on counterfeiting 19th century London grocer selling vegetables shiny copper wire or adding red double cheese Gloucester. Rotten cheese has been corrected or covered with cheese, rotting flesh was burned outside the town, which is then sold. Bread flour could be cut with sand; pepper with the dust of the ground. Romans sweet wine with soft lead. Sweets in India can be colored with poisons, China, soy sauce is said that sometimes made of human hair. The tea leaves are recycled and resold. The decrease P?rigold impersonate Chinese truffles
No Tesco accused of secret prescience pony yuksome hamburgers. But I do not buy their sense of bewildered victim, his almost Shakespearean "a fraud perpetrated on all of us" rhetoric is. Nobody is more inclined to hide what we are eating in supermarkets, food and no more dangerous pushing harder in the mouth. scandal part of deregulation. This current adulteration has not been discovered in the UK, but in Ireland. As Mary Creagh, the shadow environment secretary, said in The Guardian, the government divided the responsibility for food inspection between the Ministry of Health and the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in 2010: the sharing of responsibilities, and see the chaos flap.
- Creagh also noted the Food Standards Agency (FSA) Meat Hygiene Service has seen its budget reduced by ? 12 million over four years. (The budget for the General Standards of sale will be reduced by a third to ? 140 million in 2014.) The number of inspections of commercial standards for all the products has been reduced by 29% in two years and many laboratories Public halved analysts almost a decade. This is probably all the happiness for the industry in general and the food industry, in particular, as I never get tired of the note, we had the chance to write the Conservative Party's policy in foods opposition.
- The government's response to those who point out weaknesses in the rules of the trade was a master of Americanisms was Bush. Criticizing the food industry in the UK is unpatriotic, or, as the Minister of the Environment David Heath said Creagh:. "It is very important that neither you nor anyone else, talk like British food industry" Ignorance, in your opinion, is better these days, it is good for burgers, or against them This is not useful But it is not adjustable for growing food in general, and that we have a crisis, thanks to our hunger for food cheap and varied, and the terrible monopoly power. Of all the things that come easily and cheaply, maybe the food is the most dangerous? If their burgers are less than 6 pounds per kilo, and you do not farm or butcher (as approved by the original route Kill Cookbook), can we really be surprised if cut with unspeakable horrors?
Find best price for : --Agency----Standards----Food----Tesco----Jilly----Little----Peppa----Todd----Sweeney----Stephen--
Thousands of children are struggling in poor families. Housing providers should not deviate from this delicate problem
Poverty rate among childrenare increasing. Save the Children estimates that 3.5 million children astounding UK live in poverty, according to his work with the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) provides that number grow 900,000 in 2020, due to weak economic growth and the impact of welfare reform.
in Birmingham, where my housing association works, many neighborhoods are already ruined by some of the highest levels of child poverty in the country. More than half of children in Nechells and Sparkbrook live in poverty. Statistics Washwood Heath and Bordesley Green are not much better.
long-term costs of uncontrolled situation is disastrous for the future of Birmingham and many other cities with high levels of child poverty in the UK. In the meantime, the moral implications of these figures are nowhere more acute than in discussions with the staff of the local cuisine that are not only asking for donations of food, but warm clothes and shoes for children in particular.
However, gaps in services to fight child poverty in these areas is expected to grow as drastic budget cuts and social reforms grasp. In response, we launched a year-long campaign to integrate children poverty reduction in all areas of our work today.
We intend to train all frontline staff in awareness of child poverty and intervention, including educating families in the use of facilities and other essential services that provide vital assistance and support necessary to mitigate the problems associated with poverty.
By extending our commitment to this agenda is also launching a series of community projects, including kitchen party. This will provide opportunities to learn, play and lunch for the pre-school and during school holidays.
low-income families who are eligible for free meals at school during class, often experience high levels of stress during the holidays, when the demands placed on them to provide children meals and extra activities. creative learning opportunities for holiday activities, including today, are unaffordable and probably contribute to differences in performance between the poorest children and richer, according to a study the United States.
Kitchen holidayaim to reduce family stress, vulnerability risk associated with the demand for crisis intervention and referrals to food banks and to improve the health and well-being vulnerable children. Priority will be given to children who have come through referrals from the food bank and qualifying for free school meals. The program, however, include all the neighborhood kids. Parents are encouraged to support their children and will be available in the workplace, and coaching skills, as well as volunteer opportunities and family bonding. Work with community organizations, this program will be delivered in collaboration with workers of the child and parent volunteers who will be trained to do so.
- As our CEO has established housing professionals, the reality of our communities is that thousands of children who go hungry and without proper clothing, in our turn. Ignore this reflection, it is someone else's responsibility is not something that housing associations should be in the business of doing.
- Ashram has a historic commitment and effective for promoting social inclusion and address the unmet needs of the community. We can use the knowledge, experience and good financial planning for our partners in the housing sector to mitigate risks and provide not only housing and support, but new services that meet the changing needs of the population, we work with. housing associations must adapt and work together on issues such as child poverty, not only with their peers, but entrepreneurs, companies and local communities as well.
Dr. Caroline Wolhuter is research director for
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results suggest that there may be untapped potential for mitigating climate change by reducing emissions of soot
soot from wood smoke and diesel exhaust can have twice the impact on global warming than previously thought, according to a new study released Tuesday.
The "black smoke" is said to be the second largest artificial agent of climate change.
The results, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres suggest that there may be untapped potential for mitigating global warming by reducing emissions of soot.
huge amounts of soot by man into the atmosphere each year. Approximately 7.5 million tonnes, was published only in 2000, according to estimates. A greenhouse effect which carbon dioxide and more than two thirds of methane.
The main source of soot emissions is the burning of forests and savannah grasslands. But diesel engines account for about 70% of emissions from Europe, North America and Latin America.
In Asia and Africa, wood, home fires account for 60% and 80% of soot emissions. Coal fires are also a major source of soot in China, parts of Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Soviet bloc.
soot warms the atmosphere by absorbing the sun's heat incoming and scattered.
- The study, which involved 31 leading experts in the world, has reviewed all available data on the impact of soot on climate.
His colleague, Professor Piers Forster from Leeds University, Earth and Environment, said. "There are exciting opportunities for cold climate by reducing emissions of soot, but not simple "Reducing emissions from diesel engines and interior wood and coal fires is obvious that there Tandem health and climate benefits.
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Kingley Vale, West Sussex:
clear marks left by the sharp hooves of deer prints stand out from the pillow fox
- see a tuft of badger hair tangled in the barbed wire. Vegetation is flattened and widened and striped down and narrow path running through the brush stubble field on the edge of bleached wood. Although badger activity is sporadic during the winter months, always feeding, then crouch to impressions, but the ground was broken by mountain bike tires and boots striped water footprint.
imagine that two families - one rich and the other hard-up - could eat in the future
Predict what will eat in Britain in 2035 is reduced to the sad thing is the future. Is that the stagnation of growth have pushed down the list of rich countries to date we can not import food more? Or new sources of energy and acceptance of biotech foods means that 3-D printers pumped food burgers and sushi nutritionally enriched in all our houses? Climate change means land in Britain to devote to crops, and not in the flesh, to keep us fed 70 million?
more food as much as we can in the yard. The cost of food used almost half of household income, compared to only 12% of our grandparents, while we take very little.
Brown bread
The Ministry of Food has decreed that refined flour lost too many vitamins and minerals, and has banned white bread (as Britain did in the Second World War). Price of wheat flour rose with the collapse of the arable land in India, southern Russia and the United States, Britain, and it is not serious.
meat Lab
father does not eat "Frankensteaks" - he would rather have a lobster egg-culture - but the rest of the family eats "the seaweed farm" bioreactor grown meat (we did love it things in proteins recovered from wastewater).
potatoes every day of the week until the dough is made from flour, potatoes. The potato is the staple carbohydrate, although experts are concerned about our growing dependence on it - the only pope dependence led to the Irish potato famine that killed a million people. GM made a blight that has resisted, but still emerging diseases and survive any old varieties.
The richest part of the world - South Asia - eat all the rice they produce, so importing is expensive and attempts to grow rice in wetlands have new Thames Estuary borne fruit. Rice we buy is made of reconstituted potato or barley. By law, all brands contain nano-capsules of vitamins and nutrients.
cheese and butter livestockFew in Britain, with the exception of dairy products. Cows are an effective way to convert plant material in animal fat, as long as there is not enough water. Our city street has its own small herd of cows genetically modified in collaboration managed on the grass made striking gardens. As our medieval ancestors, now receives most of our fats, and proteins necessary for milk, cheese and butter.
carnivorous fish are a rare treat. Even the most advanced transgenic salmon farms still have to consume three grams of fish to produce another one of their own. Thus, the consumption of fish vegetarian, grown in the solar heating is AquaFarm - developed from tropical species such as tilapia and catfish, and modified with genes from lemon, tomato or grass cover basic taste muddy. By law, all omega-3 have added to their diet.
Nano-fruits- nano-encapsulated food is mostly for rich people, but the government subsidizes fruit programmable for children. Data analysis of monthly blood all citizens are required to submit food directly in the refrigerator, which the team selects and activates molecular size capsules containing different vitamins and minerals. You can choose what flavor of fruit comes
real tea and coffee are Christmas treats. But synthetic fragrances are so compelling today - ads say they use chemicals that were in actual grains and leaves
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