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five years in the making, yet fresh as a daisy of 10x10 pixels that mark their pens green hills, Fez is both a tribute to the joy of exploration of childhood, the wonder Nintendo video game teens and adult behavior of the mysteries of life without end. This is a game safely, without a fight (no flora or fauna of games will hurt you), no update of the source and the only enemy is slow in his own ineptitude or perplexity. A rare game, then.
fall too far and Gomez, the star Fes-resistant, wrinkle on the go, to be returned safely to the platform, without penalty. But do not confuse the lack of bar health, life or other standard measures of video games and address risk, as indicated by a lack of challenge. Fez is a puzzle game tied, secret rooms, locked boxes, treasure maps and mysterious rabbit holes that you take time and again through clockwork gears that must be overcome before progress is made. Thus, their systems feel as much a tribute to Nintendo games to the youth of its creators, including beautiful graphics pixel art used with the subject of them. Pastels and immortality avatar belie a heart of evil.
This core is the general presumption of Escher-like space. Fez is a 2D platform game set in a 3D world. A tightening of the trigger and the horizontal scene rotated 90 degrees, which, for example, two floating fragments of land that used to float 100 meters in direct alignment, allowing smooth passage Gomez. Essentially, each stage consists of four scenes, closely related physical structures in four different ways.
Braid were players manipulate time to solve the riddles of the author. Fez asks us to manipulate space in order to progress, the choice of some firm rules and spinning five hundred puzzle ideas for cartoons and fun. During the game you must use the ability to change perspective to align the stairs, to create tracks of moving platforms to go, and chain of explosions in rocks to create new passages. Just when you think the fish designer, Phil has exhausted the potential of the central idea, a new surprise was developed in a scene, the construction of an orchestra of ideas, the likes of which is rarely seen outside of work more Big Nintendo EAD.
- Despite the variety, its main task remains strong and clear cubes collecting 32 gold, each built with eight disparate fragments. As the star Mario, these can be found sitting on trees, below the falls, behind the walls must be cracked bomb cartoon and the mountain peaks near the ladder. They are scattered around the world linked by gates, each one leads to another section of the superstructure, like Warren, who is revealed in a scene to scene esoteric map. Collect all the pieces in a scene, as well as maps, keys and other secrets hidden there, and the node of a golden color on the map, the final objective to complete the Midas touch of the universe.
is a game where the real goal is simply to browse and find treasure in the making. So many video games borrowed this mentality of travelers, offering travel turbulent throw by the shark-infested, the dangers of dodging bullets. Yet the heart of Fez, purity, consistency and peace to find a treasure far greater. This is a living reminder of the opportunity to play in providing for those who live in a world designed by satellite and Google maps with new borders, with the boundless joy of discovery with the sense of our own psychic and mental horizons are expanding.
In April 2013, responsibility for public health will be transferred from the NHS to local authorities - but what are the implications and potential benefits of these changes
In public health, as in the NHS, it is a time of radical change. The task of improving the welfare of the public in England next year will be the work of the NHS and was taken instead to be the responsibility of local councils. This change is the largest of several important changes that were included in the bill the government for health and well being controversial. It will also create a powerful new body, England Public Health, to guide policy and a board of health and wellness in all areas of the board.
These changes and their implications were discussed by representatives of NHS, third sector, local government and academia in a recent debate on public health, the first in a series of such discussions organized The Guardian. In addition to the public a number of speakers were invited to attend: Nicola Close, executive director of the Association of Directors of Public Health, Professor David Croisdale-Appleby, chair, skills for care, Jonathan Brown Director of Public Health Transition in England, Department of Health. Camden and Dr Quentin Sandifer, Deputy Director of Public Health
editorguardian of public services and event chairman, David Brindle, kickstart the discussion by noting that "the local government is excited by what he sees as the restoration of the health function public history. "He added:" The creation of local boards of health and well-being is seen as an opportunity to focus on local priorities. "
Brown agreed that the changes have been the perfect opportunity to address deep-seated problems. "There are huge challenges in health inequalities and disparities in life expectancy," he said. The Government White Paper of 2010 on public health, healthy lifestyles, healthy people set ambitious goals, he added. The creation of the new NHS Board implementation means that the Ministry of Health in the future be much less define health policy, public health professionals will have more freedom to live, Brown said. "So there is a book very exciting here."
Andrew Lansley, the health secretary, said in January that £ 5.2 billion, or about 4% of total health budget will be available for public health services when the new system begins in April 2013. Public Health also has a powerful political support, Brown said in the debate. "The Ministry of Health is trying to make public health a priority," he said.
Some in the industry have expressed concern that public health in England do not have the independence to do its job properly. But, Brown said, its proximity to the government will be an advantage and ensure that their expert advice is pay attention. concern about the independence meant that almost gave a very different perspective to the discussion. "One area of ??concern for public health directors, is independence, they can continue to talk about the health of local people," said
- Croisdale-Appleby said that the way of public health in England will work with the Council commissioning of a new fundamental relationship, is "an area of ??mystery for many people." The "long "transfer of rights of public health in local government, he added, means that the transfer of vital information" lost "along the way.
Then there will be new structures, Sandifer said that the central task facing public health - reducing the gap between health expectancy and life of the poorest citizens and richer - do not change. An audience member agreed, saying. "All that the local government is not a public health issue,"
Find best price for : --Guardian----Sandifer----Marron----David--
ministers to rethink the decision to reject the track after the warning that trade will move elsewhere within the airport extended
radical options for increasing airport capacity in the Southeast, including the development of RAF Northolt on the outskirts of London, are urgently considered by the government amid growing fears that its decision to exclude a third runway at Heathrow is strangling economic growth.
sources said high-level, both David Cameron and George Osborne were convinced of the need to act - and to review the long-term policies to Heathrow - after being pressured by foreign leaders and entrepreneurs who warn that trade moves elsewhere in the EU, unless the airport is expanded.
Although the rules of the coalition agreement was a third runway at Heathrow, it would not be tolerated by the pro-green liberal democracy, many conservatives now want the party to admit that the decision was wrong and at the rear of the new track in the manifest of the next general election. In the meantime, however, Ministers instructed officials to examine a number of other options. The first is the use of RAF Northolt in Ruislip, north-west London, for business flights, to ease pressure on Heathrow, just 13 miles away. The development of Northolt - and perhaps the connection at Heathrow, with a high speed rail link - allow the government to avoid accusations of a U-turn at the third runway would be some distance from the main airport
Tim YeoAa, Conservative chair of the Committee on Energy and Climate Change team, said he had "completely changed" his mind on the expansion of Heathrow and now believes that there was no other choice but to build a third runway to ensure the south of England has remained a center of aviation worldwide.
reflect the views of many members of his party, said: "We can not wait any longer, we have to go through with this, if we do not, the Chinese ... and others will take their business elsewhere No time to waste. "
Yeo, Minister in the field and John Major government a strong environmentalist, said that new EU rules came into force in January and imposed a ceiling on total emissions of flights begin or end in the EU had "changed the entire scenario ministers" and taking into account coverage to change course.
"If we can build a new track, people can no longer say emissions soar as there is a limit," he said. "I think there is a major challenge going on and not have to be." He said that plans by Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, for a new airport in the Thames Estuary, which are also being discussed by the ministers, were "too expensive and the wrong place."
- In his budget speech on Wednesday, Osborne said a landmark report on aviation policy, which is expected this week, was delayed. Officials said it was to allow the announcement of a "call for evidence" in the way the southeast could maintain its "ability to hub."
- The delay suggests that ministers are struggling to formulate a coherent strategy for the future of airports in Britain and we believe that the status quo is not an option.
Any indication that discussions on a third runway at Heathrow could be reopened to release a scandal - especially liberal Democrats, who see it as a betrayal of the green cause. Vince Cable, the business secretary, whose area of ??Twickenham is on the Heathrow flight path, which are strongly opposed. Justine Greening, the Transport Secretary and MP for Putney, Roehampton and Southfields in south-west London, also oppose a change in policy, having opposed a third runway before the last election.
Conservatives also strongly opposed. Speaking at a Guardian "weekend off" on Saturday, Zac Goldsmith, Conservative MP for Richmond Park and North Kingston, said he would resign as a member if the party has made a U-turn.
Find best price for : --Tories----Kong----Hong----Harrow----Ferriday----Gatwick----Osborne----Heathrow----Northolt--
use conference in Edinburgh International Science Festival to call for worldwide tax on all carbon emissions
avoid the worst impacts of climate change induced by man is a "great moral issue" on a par with slavery, according to leading NASA scientist Jim Hansen Professor.
argued that store up to a costly and destructive to society in the future is an "injustice from one generation to another."
Hansen, who on Tuesday presented the prestigious Edinburgh medal for his contribution to science, is also in his acceptance speech to call for a global tax on carbon emissions.
In his lecture, Hansen argues that the challenge facing future generations of climate change is so urgent that a flat tax is needed to force immediate reductions in fossil fuel use. Before receiving the award - which has already been given to Sir David Attenborough, environmentalist James Lovelock, and the economist Amartya Sen - Hansen told the Guardian that recent climate models have shown that the planet was on the emergency item. He said that humanity is facing recurrent natural disasters from extreme weather events that affect large areas of the planet.
"The situation we create for the younger generations and the future is that we are delivering an air conditioning system that is potentially out of control," he said. "We are in an emergency situation: you can see what is on the horizon in the coming decades, with the effects it will have on ecosystems, sea levels and extinction of species. "
70 years, Hansen is considered one of the most influential figures in climate science, the creator of a leading global climate models, his pioneering role in warning on global warming is often cited by proponents of climate change such as former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and former scientific prizes, including $ 1 million Dan David Prize. He was arrested more than once for his role in protests against coal power.
- "We understand the carbon cycle: the CO2 we put into the air will remain in surface reservoirs and not return to the continent for thousands of years What history teaches us that the earth is there a limit. of how we can put on the air without guaranteeing disastrous consequences for future generations. We can not pretend not to know. "
- Hansen said his proposal of a global carbon tax is based on the latest analysis of the levels of atmospheric CO2 and its impact on global temperatures and weather conditions. He co-authored a scientific paper with 17 experts, including climate scientists, biologists and economists calling for an immediate reduction of 6% per year of CO2 emissions, and a substantial increase in global forest cover, to avoid catastrophic climate change by the end of the century.
energy users richer and libertine, people with multiple homes, private planes and vehicles or fuel starvation, would also be forced to change radically their energy consumption. In the new study, Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and colleagues note that to reduce CO2 emissions by 6% today means that by the year 2022, annual reductions should achieve a more drastic 15% per year.
took a similar measure in 2005, when the Kyoto Protocol on climate change took effect, reductions in CO2 emissions would have been more manageable 3% per year. The objective was to return to levels of atmospheric CO2 to 350 parts per million, below its current level of 392ppm. The paper, "scientific arguments to avoid dangerous climate change to protect young people and nature," also argues that the challenge is growing due to the acceleration fever to find new and more difficult to obtain for sources oil, gas and coal in the deep ocean, gas reserves in the Arctic, and shale.
Find best price for : --Nasa----Academy----National----Gore----David----Hansen--
always necessary. However, as a measure of punishment is very limited and very corrupt - like Pirates! In an adventure with the sample to scientists
There is something soul destroying about leaving a "family" film in a cinema, with a chubby hand of confidence, knowing that his little hot movie of their offspring is so keen to see is a boring, insulting cynical about their own intelligence, and also that of his son. Instead, it's a happy day, when in fact the film in question is made by a reputable supplier. This Easter, which provided Aardman Animations, with his latest book, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists.
Pirates! jokes were good, our favorite was "Blood Island. It is so named because it is in the form of a little blood." But, like any good piece of entertainment for children, offered a simple analysis, clear and optimistic of complex adult world. For me, a successful film is a film that stays with you. If you have difficulty remembering what I did last Thursday, and finally, bringing memories of a trip to the Odeon, and then - but politely pass the time - the film I saw was the Culture worthless. Pirates! is a keeper.
Its main characters are a nice but small pirate captain, called Pirate Captain, who aspires to win Pirate of the year by the amassed the biggest booty booty of dirty money than their peers - despite pirates of their incompetence - In addition to Charles Darwin and Queen Victoria. I am embarrassed to admit that the trio led me to think again about neo-liberalism, natural selection and hereditary privilege. I could have taken all too seriously. However, inspiration without perspiration is always welcome, whatever strange, clay vehicles can travel with you in. That's what I tell myself, anyway.
The strongest advocates of neoliberalism tend to think that the power of unbridled capitalism, red tooth and nail is that recreates natural selection, through the promotion of "survival of the fittest." By "stronger", however, Darwin did not mean "stronger" - which means "the most appropriate framework," best suited to the immediate environment that requires a living organism that exists. Insert money into the equation - that only humans do - and the need to adapt to their surroundings is evident. What human civilization, in reality, but a concerted effort to impose on the human environment, in a concerted refusal to allow the environment imposed on us?
- In short, the more money you have at your disposal, the more resources they can mobilize, precisely in order to manipulate the environment to their own needs, rather than s' adapt to its needs. This is, of course, why the political right is so desperately ready to deny that human activity is causing global warming and environmental catastrophe, it promotes. This is also why the richest countries have the largest carbon footprints. In this sense, all human civilization is a band of pirates on a dangerous adventure with scientists, the most successful pirates are the least likely to heed the warnings of the scientific conclusion established.
- Unfortunately, boast of capitalism - which is consistent with human nature - is actually a problem of capitalism, which rewards the most rapacious of human nature at the expense of nature in general. Most critics of capitalism to understand this, and find it frustrating, hard to the right place regardless of the looting. The real problem, however, is that, as an alternative to capitalism, socialism is a turkey, much more concerned about the equal distribution of booty (or at least equal opportunity to have a go at grabbing some) is the fight against human dependence of wealth. One could even argue that socialism is more perverse than capitalism, neither more nor less than its negative dark mirror. After all, focuses obsessively on the lack of money, and denial of access to resources, because the system does not prevent the accumulation of money, and access to resources. Capitalism accentuates the positive - of wealth. Socialism has accentuated the negative - of poverty. Ideologies are supposed to be opposed to opposite sides of the same coin. This is because wealth does confer power naturally unpleasant Marxism unworkable "solution" is redistribution by force -. Revolution
The right is obsessed with wealth creation, the left with the redistribution of it (although, obviously, redistribution is and will remain an important aspect of civilized behavior). The task of redefining wealth to reduce the need for money in itself is a task that seems impossible. However, it is more impossible dreams peacefully redistributive socialism.
"Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day," says the old adage. "Give him a fishing rod and you feed him for life." These days, the left is up in arms if they suggest a recipe for a cake is more useful than the ability to buy a Greggs pie without having to pay VAT on it. "Equal opportunity" is really to maximize opportunities for people to compete in the labor market, so they can earn money to buy things, and transform their environment. Socialism is, in this essential, only a crazy bang-feeding for capitalism.
Find best price for : --What----Darwin----Charles--
and better, says Jones, the Green candidate in municipal elections in London. After the "old hippie", suggested that they all publish their tax returns, it was found in
St Pancras Cruising Clubis not as interesting as it sounds. This is a place where people burst tying on a long term basis, and that's where I stayed with Jenny Jones, Green Party candidate for mayor of London. She and her partner is in his boat - the Arthur Dent, the hero's name from The Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy - is along the Regent Canal and I join them on the trip, during an interview relaxed breakfast on the run. This, at least, is the plan did not work.
is the day after podium BBC program in which Jones, tired of endless complaints about the tax affairs of Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson has suggested that all candidates to publish their statements of income and taxes, and do with it. The other candidates agreed, and now everyone wants to talk about history. His phone rings constantly, we must make scheduled stops for her to be interviewed by film crews wait; young Green Party media arrives, a security guard at one of our scheduled prevents objects from the presence The film crew, I just cling to the boat, as she talks with ITN and supports the draw with the jobsworth. This is not good.
It gets worse. Guardian photographer arrives and wants her in what he called a Titanic pose on the bow, four friends from your partner just started eating lunch, another friend and a child boarded in an interview in lengths from to Radio 4 and Channel 4 are hiding somewhere upstream. A barge canal is very narrow and claustrophobic, even, and begins to resemble the cabin filled with the Marx Brothers film A Night at the Opera. After starting the interview on the couch, we must complete landed on the little bed in the back of the boat, which at least allows me to study the small stack of DVDs next to the bed, I realize that includes most of it.
Jones, who was a member of the London Assembly for 12 years and now faces himself against the Ken'n'Boris, is largely in the middle of it, however, is still far from a conventional politician. Her flat in Camberwell, south London, but spends his time both in the boat as possible. At age 62, calls herself an "old hippie", and try to live green living and preaching the philosophy of the party. She said that the St Pancras Cruising Club is a community like the old where everybody looks at each other. "It's like going back to the 1950s," she said. "As members, we need help gutters gardening, cleaning and painting, and cleaning. I love." Sounds like a vision of how society thinks it might work if the Greens were in charge.
His major issue in the mayoral election - the dilemma facing five other candidates - is that Ken and Boris waterfront political stage: more than life male characters dissidents like David Aaronovitch in the Times this week said, "are greater than their parts and I know." The week was dominated by a bust in the lift station LBC, when Boris fired insults at his opponent and called him a liar for suggesting that he, too, was not above a bit of tax evasion creativity.
As the media focus on this show of Punch and Judy, attention and change the political debate is not easy, and Jones looked irritated Newsnight, as Livingstone and Johnson, located on both sides of Jeremy Paxman, traded accusations that Punch-Drunk Boxers. "I'm tired very high at some point," she says, "because this is the first time I hear about their tax affairs. Not know what is the truth. I find it very boring, and I do not want to hear more. "Hence his suggestion to publish their tax returns, an idea now regrets. "I almost wish you had not said that," he said, "because now there is more friction on it."
It gets much better with Livingstone than Johnson. "I know this is not a fashionable thing to say," she said, "but I trust Ken. He never promised anything to me or say something that has disappeared once again. I know we can work with. I was doing things. I am not in politics for money or media attention. I'm in it so they can accomplish things, and the four years was Mayor Boris has been very frustrating because I could work with him. It very funny and charming when you meet him, but when I realized they could work together to find it funny, it rest can be very condescending to women in the congregation His tone is a little:. '. Don worry pretty little head about it. "It's casual sexism."
On the platformBBC, Johnson has tried to paint Jones as a supplement to the Labour campaign on the strength of the years she spent as deputy mayor Livingstone in 2003-4. Is not it dangerous for her if it sticks? "When I was Deputy Director Ken, I think I met him three times, and one of them was in an elevator." Most of the key policy meetings in London seem to occur in elevators. " I was not near him at all that uses its replacement in the event and say. " This is what the mayor wants me to say, but this is what I think. "Ken was absolutely fine with that. Politically, he is an adult and understand that other political parties have different beliefs, while Boris would not like that I said something against him. It is very sensitive to a rabbit. He likes to be appreciated. "
- Jones is first not to mention all-AML in the elevator, but in time to draw a picture of an angry, pale, red-eye Boris squaring his accuser. "It was very shocking," she said. "He had a small lift" - even smaller than this barge. "I will not share an elevator with them again. Now we see each other a bit, there is a strange kind of intimacy on the whole being on the campaign trail. "
- Ken
- How to react to the flow of invective? "It was very quiet." Did the two men dislike each other? "I think most would be transformed and friendship," she said, two big egos and populist politicians to find common ground. But please, he asks, can we talk about something else? She fears that the episode will overshadow the issues that dares to speak - the reduction of tariffs, affordable housing, raising the congestion charge to discourage car use and ease pollution, rebuilding the relations between the police and the general public
- Jones joined the Green Party in 1988. "I came to him through lifestyle," she said. "In the 60s and early 70s, I was having children. It was the day of small EF Schumacher is Beautiful Spring by Rachel Carson, silent, and when you have young children begin to worry about the future. "Born in a working class family in Brighton, she went to college, married young and had children at 20 and 22. Her husband was a water engineer, and the family spent time in Lesotho and the Seychelles, where he worked before returning to live in Herefordshire.
"I had a very early shows," she said. "After one year, the Evening Standard ranked members of the assembly in terms of visibility, ability and so on, and came 25 25 that had not got to grips with it. I had found my voice. " She said she tried to imitate the confrontational style of other politicians, as it should be more collegial. That said, it can be tough at maturity, and the standard now recognizes their masks accessibility of the inner surface of the steel. One of his daughters two, is an editor of the Guardian newspaper. Mother and daughter are similar, and the combination of tenderness and toughness, the brain quickly, penetrating voice and disarming frankness is alarmingly familiar.
It is strong and funny. He suggested that instead of building a relationship billion pound high-speed rail to Birmingham, the government should invest in revivals, the high performance for executives so they can catch their train half an hour before . It opposes what it considers projects toiletries such as "Boris Island" (the proposed new airport in the Thames Estuary), not being afraid to call the Olympics "high" flight world with support on the ground in Sao Paulo a lot, spend a night there, and said that hypercapitalists in the city to achieve growth can not continue indefinitely and that adoption of a green agenda can be good for business, as experience has shown Germany.
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Carol Ann Duffy
commissioned to write for the great year of Lancashire - a celebration rather than eight women and two men were hanged for witchcraft there 400 years ago
The poor, the persecuted are Pendle witch before getting recognition from afar, with everything from a community quilt of some verses by the poet in the line to mark the 400th anniversary of his execution.
It was a terrible affair, even by the standards degraded the day, with two women hanged at Lancaster Castle on eighty years old and blind, another crazy, probably caused by a disfigured face with one eye smaller than the other, and the ten convicted largely on testimony from a nine.
Its fate has always been controversial, even his contemporaries were divided on real conspirators against the tottering social order (his death in 1612 came seven years after the Gunpowder Plot), or the victims of prejudice against midwives medicinal plants that people were sometimes wrong. Alternatively, it may have been too hard for the establishment of male (although two of them were men, as were two of the eight other defendants in the original) or simply victims of conflict.
Through a detailed account of contemporary, we know that lawyers are also in two minds about the case. Other women were acquitted in trials similar to the 17 originally, and the judges were known to be interested in promoting and confused about the attitude of King James I of the question. On the one hand, believes the Scottish witches had tried to prevent their access to the English throne, on the other hand, he wrote ironically about the wild and worthless evidence in trials for witchcraft in Many
All this is recalled in the events of the season s related to the witch who has just been given a boost thanks to a grant from the Arts Council £ 100,000 to Green Close studies in Melling beautiful Lune Valley, Lancashire. This has been implemented since 1996 by Sue and Peter Flowers practicing artists with a mission to bring art to the international community in the area.
The grant is the largest I've ever received, and takes them beyond their usual great job - Pete painted semi-figurative paintings and Day-Glo has a strong interest in religious iconography, Sue is an artist of the environment, and they both drop on exhibitions, school visits and much more. The project includes a new witch walking distance for long-distance Pendle Hill - an interesting name means hill trilingual (Pen) Hill (DUN) Hill (Hill) -. Lancaster, with special commissioned works of art along the route aa
Carol Ann Duffy was asked to write a poem based on the story which was also tested in patches of the quilt and meetings with schools and Padiham Slaidburn. Although contemporary politics is not involved in this, there can be no harm to learn lessons about the irrationality and persecution in a place like Padiham, who has been prominent in recent years for its partnership with the British National Party.
Las Flores, whose commitment to cultural diversity involves regular collaboration with over 50 professional artists internationally, said:
This is the culmination of earlier work well. We try to solve social problems, the role of the outsider, how history can be very relevant today. Our school curriculum is particularly to research on attitudes and foreign, how easy it is to judge people.
An event that sounds good is a walk through the school on April 25 at the top of Pendle Hill, in which each is given a small mirror to hold and reflect light the sun. A note of caution about this, which bring a smile to all of us in the northern part of the dryer, says:
Note that this date is dependent on time. Please check the morning of April 25 that the event goes ahead.
- Dukes Theatre Lancaster is meanwhile preparing a new production of his play about witches, 2009,
- Sabbath , which will tour nationally this summer. Director Joe Sumsion said:
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highlights the growing pressure for greater public awareness and transparency of information as a means of solving environmental problems When Liu Futang left the confines of the public and China opened its first microblog last April, the forest officer to retire could not have imagined a year later, is celebrated as a shining light for citizen journalism. But that's what happened Tuesday, when 65, to denounce illegal logging has joined the mainstream media stories about oil spills, pollution, contamination of water and toxic waste that the winner in the Environmental Media Awards in China. At first glance, it is difficult to imagine anyone less like the typical Chinese blogger Liu. However, the quiet bureaucrat, is primarily an example of the increasing pressure from journalists, bloggers and activists to raise public awareness and transparency of information as a means of solving environmental problems of the country. Liu angered online last year when developers revealed they had destroyed one of the last forests in the world of trees, coconut water to make room for a port pleasure. "Degradation is terrible," said Liu. "The local media has not written a single word, but I have published 40 articles that were followed by newspapers and television across the country." citizen journalist Price is a new category in the awards which are jointly organized by The Guardian, chinadialogue and Sina, the first website in Chinese, with funding from the Guardian Foundation and the ESS, a charity in China. Now in its third year, the awards highlighted the achievements and ongoing challenges faced by journalists - Chinese. Over the last 12 months have shown significant progress in efforts to improve transparency, but also major obstacles. international level, the highest success profile was a campaign led by the journalist turned environmental activist My Apple in June to provide more details about pollution and violations of labor standards in its chain supply. Domestically, the biggest gain is likely to air pollution. Most Chinese cities have been plagued by smog for over a decade, but so far the authorities have provided little information on the pollution that causes haze and threatens the health of millions of people. This changed dramatically after Chinese bloggers and journalists gathered in tweets issued by the central station of the U.S. embassy and other sources, with the environmental authorities in Beijing began to publish more detailed data of pollution earlier this year. Feng Jie, who became an environmental journalist of the year, wrote a piece of black humor on the efforts of the citizens of Beijing to set up their own monitoring stations . In another report in depth, was revealed as a massive leak of oil in the Bohai Sea was chosen by the public by the State Oceanic Administration and operators of drilling platform, CNOOC and ConocoPhillips. State media journalists were sentenced to remain silent, but the problem arises through the microblogs, and confirmed by the local government and company sources.These cases illustrate why Feng believes that China has made little progress in the dissemination of information since he began his career six years ago.
"When I started, I was optimistic that things would improve. But now I realize that if you want to tell your readers real information instead of shit, then you need to spend much time to connect with inside information. If you only have to call the press office, you get nothing, "he said.
Press releases and websites
also have to run to get stories before the issue of censorship control locks. The best news story of the year was a report on the risk of cancer that waste represents 5,000 tons of cadmium contaminated water systems near the source of the Pearl River. The article was removed from the Yunnan Information Daily, but its research partner, the Southern Metropolis Daily, was ordered not to publish the news, when he tried to do a day later.Although many participants cited censorship as the biggest problem faced by Chinese journalists, the diffusion of microblogs has become much more difficult for authorities to control the flow of information, which is now future of these varied and unexpected directions.
"There is greater transparency, but not yet at a fundamental level. This is the biggest challenge in environmental journalism in China," said Jing Gong, which garnered an award for showed how cadmium pollution in soil is contaminated rice reserves. "A lot of information should be made public, but journalists have to work very hard."
if hard work pays off. Media analysts and environmental NGOs said that journalists, bloggers and civil society groups are planning the opening of new information.
"There was an improvement from the bottom up," said Li Yan of Greenpeace. "But there are too many environmental issues that have not gained sufficient attention by the government. " Liu Ruisheng the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said that the public demands for transparency increased. "This led the government to open more information. Even if it is under pressure, the government can not do things as he did in the past," he said.
- These questions were raised in the discussion that followed the awards ceremony. Of the approximately 100 audience members, less than a fifth believed that environmental problems in China peaked, but most were optimistic for improvement in the next 10 years.
- A note
- more cautious was struck by the most senior member of government, Sun Zhen, Deputy Attorney Development and Reform Commission. "I do not think we're going to peak soon," he said. "The improvements can not keep pace with the rate of destruction."
The winners of the press in China environmental
Journalist of the Year:
Feng Jie, Southern Weekend
Find best price for : --Ruisheng----China----Feng----Beijing--
last month, "100,000 people"
Mega Man Legends 3movement decided to hold a
weapons design contest on Capcom-Unity dedicated room. Participants to submit ideas in writing with drawings or anything else to illustrate his concept, the winner receives a statuette Mega Man Volnutt with a custom fit the model of the winning design. It was a fun competition to enjoy the appreciation of human awareness Mega luck and spread the movement. There seems to be working, too - the number of "like" has disappeared from 64,000 to 85,000
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, a paragon of life of light and space and inspiration for Room 2009 Simon Mawer novel crystal was restored to the glory of the 1930s and is now open to all
When Ludwig Mies van der Rohe said "less is more" he was not talking about budgets. Saving money rarely among their concerns, and one of the wonderful things about your villa Tugendhat, completed in 1930 in the Czech city of Brno, is the grand prize of its apparent simplicity. It cost five million Czech crowns at one time in a very respectable house could be built about 320,000 crowns. In other words, it costs 15 times the current price of these houses, but precisely what they said "less costs more"
not your customers, Grete and Fritz Tugendhat, both heirs to industrial fortunes, he complained. What they got for their money was a pioneer of the steel-frame house, with walls of glass that could slide down on the floor, a special room to keep their skin and cooled butterfly free, and a heating and cooling, as the engine room of a ship, which uses a train of freight cars of coal each winter. The air also passes through a water shower of stones taken from the sea, and then through filters cedar oil and cedar chips, so it is fresh and fragrant.
have one of the most influential houses of the 20th century, whose plan panoramic windows open and still imitated today. More importantly, realized that Greta called "a big modern house ... with clear and simple forms" that gave him "a quiet very special." Justice was served, he says, "all the spiritual life of each and every one of us, unlike the simple necessity. "
has been repeatedly stated that modernist architecture was the rationality, or a pure function, or improve the environment of the working class. None of these arguments apply in this case
Now for the first time since 1930, you can see the house as much as Mies (as the architect is best known), after being restored with the support of the European Union and implemented by the city Brno can be visited by the public, despite its popularity means that you must book a place on tour in advance.
Above all, you can experience living in the center of the house. To say that this has two glass walls, an open plan and clean, modernist style, is like saying that the Chartres Cathedral made bows and large windows. Neither is much more valuable to describe the materials acquired from remote areas - Macassar ebony for the library and the circular dining alcove, an onyx block wall thin miraculously extracted from the Atlas. Neither the spectacular view of the city, the feeling of contact with the garden, abundant light, or how the steel columns, with its mirror finish, about to disappear.
The point is that the combination of all these elements is fascinating. If the plan, with regular spacing of the columns, is lucid, the effects of the dissolution of the surfaces to confuse the senses. Reflections draw inside the garden foliage and leaves to meet the twist, the reasons for fossil stone and wood grain. The creamy brown onyx is clearly heavy, but thin enough that, when beaten by the low sun of winter shines within. The columns of the tile roof drain to levitate, and when the glass walls disappear into the floor of the room becomes a stage in the sky. At one end of the glass is double, with space between the layers sufficiently large veranda for a cube, which in turn invests the perception from the outside and inside
- is a dream, and yet how borders are drawn as clearly something amazing accuracy is obtained in dreams. Is a bubble made of straight lines and right angles. His illusions are made with the usual measure of columns, such as music bars, and proportions (which Mies said, hypocritically: "The scale does not cost anything").
All this could add up to a familiar type of architecture, the masterpiece uninhabitable. Critics seized on this opportunity early, and a German architectural magazine asked, in a year of its conclusion: "Can you live in the Villa Tugendhat" Greta and Fritz stated firmly that yes, he could. Her wishes were fulfilled to perfection, they said, and the design allows different activities co-exist happily. He was "austere and large -. Not in a way that oppresses, but free" He spoke with enthusiasm of how their children could play on the terrace, and the "sit-in the warm sun and looking on the snowy landscape as if we were in Davos." Mies later designed the Farnsworth House in Illinois, which led to impassable owner, Edith Farnsworth, the fury and demands. In Brno, however, achieved a miraculous union of art and life.
not last long. Just over seven years after their arrival, the Tugendhat, who were Jewish, anticipated the arrival of the Nazis and went to Switzerland, and Venezuela. When they arrived, the Nazis seized the house and leased it to the company Messerschmitt aircraft. They took the paneling of the dining alcove and reinstalled at the Gestapo headquarters in the city. The shock waves of Allied bombs blew the glass walls. The Soviet army and it straddles the exquisite dishes. After the war, became a dance studio, a rehabilitation center for children with congenital vertebral and a guest house for the government. In 1992, the Czech and Slovak leaders met here to decide the division of their country. The house was a bubble in time and space and Greta "quiet very special" was involved in the tumult of his mandate.
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Ugh! CD Projekt Red has certainly been a lot of good news if you are a fan of
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soon arrive, CD Projekt Red has announced a number of things tonight to whet the appetite of Geralt and society. a little more. First, the developers have ensured that the Witcher 2
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The arguments for and against GM crops should be based on sound scientific evidence - and not just fall from the sky
A major new study of the European Union intends to examine the effects on growth of potato plants genetically resistant to the blight on the environment and biodiversity in ecosystems farm. Will also be the first GMOs are grown in Ireland since late 1990.
In a statement released last month, Teagasc (Irish agency for agricultural development) has announced it is seeking a license to conduct field trials of genetically modified potatoes as part of the MAI consortium - a group that includes representatives from research organizations 15 EU countries.
late blight, caused by a fungus-type
Phytophthora infestans
, decimated the crop of potatoes in Ireland in the 1840s, this who led the Great Famine. Since then, the disease remains a problem for Irish farmers, who had to use fungicides to maintain yields of potatoes. Genetic modification has the potential to protect against attacks from the factory potato late blight, without requiring large amounts of fungicides.
The potato variety Desiree was transformed with the RPI-resistance gene conferring vnt1.1
P. infestans
. The gene was taken from species of wild potatoes
venturii Solanum
and inserted into the cultivated potato.
Although there is evidence that public concerns about genetically modified crops has declined in the UK, the new field experiments were carried out in Ireland for the first time since the end of 1990 aa attracted some criticism here. In a statement last week, Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association (IOFGA) - which certifies organic products in Ireland - according to the experiment would be a waste of taxpayer money. "In light of the fact that Teagasc has filed an application with the [Environmental Protection Agency] EPA permit to grow GM potatoes at its headquarters in Oakpark, Teagasc IOFGA demand accountability for its decision to lose money taxpayers in this project. "
ThanksMaher, Director of Development IOFGA said GM growing in Ireland would be "economic suicide" and that could threaten a market value of the export of ? 9.1 billion (£ 7.6 billion). "Ireland has an excellent international reputation as an island green and clean is also a GMO-free region, and we must maintain that reputation does not destroy it"
The statement accusing Teagasc end of a ride "technology" Junk ". In this austere economic climate, we need to stop unnecessary public expenditure and enforce immediate responsibility for which will continue "
Unfortunately, IOFGA seems to have jumped the gun. The research funding comes directly from the research program of the EU FP 7 to 1 ? 50 billion fund for research and technological development. There is no question of more money from Irish taxpayers.
- No matter where the money comes, however, there is a broader issue at stake here. Teagasc is the agriculture of Ireland and the development agency for food. Its function is to conduct research that leads to a better understanding of agriculture and new agricultural techniques. Accusing a body of "losing" money by doing the same thing that was created to do is ridiculous.
field trials be conducted in Oakpark analyze the impact of GM crops in the surrounding ecosystem. John Spink, director of research at Teagasc culture, is quick to point out that research is "not trying to prove the commercial viability of transgenic potatoes."
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